
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Looks like somebody's going to 'live on a farm'

Joe Biden's dog has been removed from the White House after it emerged that he had bitten more people than the 12 officially noted by the Secret Service. The removal marks the second time that the Bidens have had to re-home one of their beloved German Shepherds due to aggressive incidents.

Commander, a two-year-old German Shepherd, has bitten people working in the executive residence, along with White House staffers. At least one person had to be treated at the hospital.

On Wednesday, two sources told CNN that there had been far more biting incidents than officially reported.


'The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day'

Well, if you care that damned much why did you wait until the dog bit at least 12 people before you did anything about it?

That's 2 vicious dogs they had to get rid of. That might show you what kind of people they are. It's no wonder Hunter turned out they way he did.


  1. Now when will they put Hunter in the pound?

  2. I've had 5 GSD's. They even just growl a bit that earns them a knot on the head from a dcell maglite.

  3. Not a fan of dogs, but my view the animals acting out because of how it's treated by it's "owners". Seems like it's a cry for help to me.

    1. Are you insinuating that VOTERS should be allowed to do the same to Joe, since they are DEFINITELY being mistreated every day?

  4. Tyrants always get special privileges.

  5. I'm no fan of the bribens but those pictures didn't look like an attack to me. Appeared to be a little rough housing

    1. I guess that depends on if you're the one getting bitten. But how about this line in the article?

      'The most serious of Commander's attacks took place in November 2022 when an officer was hospitalized after the animal clamped down on their arms and thighs.'

    2. Great! An officer with multiple personalities.

  6. He's consistently kept ill tempered dogs, and I read somewhere that he likes to tease and smack them. That'd make any dog bitey. It's not a one-off; I don't think it's the dogs. And if you look at px of him with dogs, it's all stiff and posed. There's no rapport.
    Remember the Irish prime minister's mellow, goes anywhere dog- it went bonkers when he approached. He's evil. Dogs know.

    1. As a professional dog trainer, it’s very common to see clients with screwed up children dropping off screwed up dogs. The majority of the time an aggressive dog is the result of a vacuum of leadership. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have dogs (or children).

    2. second that. some people should not be allowed near a dog or kid. most of the screwed up dogs I ever saw was because of the owner. and I figure old Joe likes a bity dog. bet he thinks it is funny. just look at his kids, they all messed up. makes sense any dog around him be the same. dave in pa.

  7. I am by no means defending Joe. But I have been around protective dogs before. One GSD and a Pit Bull come to mind.
    The pit was mine and was as nice as could be to anyone who came around to pat him on the head, until they got too close to me ( arms reach or ten feet behind me). He almost bit two of my friends before I figured it out.
    The GSD I mentioned had known me for years, but when asked to help his master do something one day I was walking behind Kip and got grabbed by the ankle ( not hard, just a little nip). When the Mr. and Mrs. would hug, he would get between them trying to decide if he needed to intervene.
    GSD's are known for these actions, so maybe it's time for a different breed of "First Dog".

    Joe's actions probably don't help and he probably gets a kick out of them being aggressive.

    1. The only type of dog for Zou is an Armour Swift hot dog, the kind they serve with prison chow.

  8. Problem is how can someone like POTUS really "have" a dog? The people are never around, and when they're not, I guarantee you they're not involved with the dogs. The dog doesn't know how it's pack leaders are vs it's packmates. Very confusing to dog's especially one's wired like shepherds. They need structure and routine, neither of which someone in Biden's line of work can provide.

    1. If you check google, you'll find a long list of articles about how Trump hates dogs. As evidence they show that he didn't have one in the White House. However, on about page 10 of the google list, you'll find articles on how he was a judge at the Bedminster dog show, slept with his first wife's dog in their bed, etc. He explained he didn't have time as President for a dog, so didn't get one, even to show the media like other Presidents.

      Imagine we had a press that would tell the whole story and not take sides. No President has time for a dog. Unless he isn't doing the job.

    2. The (((press))) has been lying to us for years.

  9. Hope the poor dog didn't have any dirt on Hillary.

  10. Probably a demon living in his dogs.

  11. That crook xiden and his fake doctor wife has bitten more people than all of the retard's dog put together.... Maybe we should send him to the farm and keep the dogs

  12. These stories about Joe's apparentlly out-of-control Shepherds always bring you to mind, Kenny, as an example of a true dog-lover who's raised some lulus.

    Btw, what's with That Asshole Dog Jack these days?

    1. He's fine.
      I've tried twice in the past two months to post an update about him but fucking blogger keeps flagging it as inappropriate, so I gave up on it.

      He's mellowed out considerably in the past year, acting just like a normal dog which is amazing considering how high strung, nervous and aggressive as he was when he showed up here. He still barks when somebody pulls into the property, but he's not charging them any more, not showing any signs of real aggression. I'm actually pretty proud of how he turned out.

  13. It's so cool to hear about That Asshole Dog Jack. I'm glad he's mellowed.

    The fucking White House was cool with the dog biting secret service agents left and right, but as soon as the problem became a political problem, the dog is gone.

    Such assholes.

    1. You're not the only one that's glad he mellowed, trust me on this.

    2. It’s the same way with the border crisis. Now that it’s starting to reflect badly on the Dems in the latest election polling, suddenly they start giving lip service to building border walls. Effing hypocrites.

  14. My brother had a black lab that bit ONE person and our local animal control made him put the dog down. Why does Bidens dog get 12+ second chances when my brothers dog got NONE! Don’t try to bs me we’re all equal under the law.


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