
Wednesday, October 04, 2023

McHenry to Pelosi: GTFO

WASHINGTON — Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday said the newly named interim speaker, GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, has ordered her to vacate her office in the Capitol building.


  1. I don't know this guy, but it's a good first impression.

  2. I was hoping for a public beheading but hey, it’s a start.

  3. Mchenry is mccarthy's butt buddy. There was an understanding with pelosi that she (democrats) would protect mccarthy should there be a vote to remove him. She did not stand behind her promise. As revenge mchenry kicked pelosi out. Mccarthy did everything the democrats wanted. I have no idea why they would replace him. Hopefully the animosity is enough for republicans to show pelosi behind the Jan 6th fiasco. But I believe the rinos hate Trump too much for that to happen.

    1. To the Dems, keeping McCarthy wasn't nearly as good as causing hate and discontent in the GOP. Besides, the Dems could always siphon off enough GOP "moderate" votes to do whatever they want in the House.

      But McCarthy was the one that lost the Speaker's job; he should be the one vacating his office. But, oh, yeah. "Butt Buddies."

    2. The GOPe squish monkeys are all riled up now, but they were mostly helping out the Dems anyway so there's not much change there.

    3. Democrats, republicans…

      What’s the difference?

  4. She says “eviction is a sharp departure from tradition” after the Speaker of the House has been removed for the first time in US history. Tradition has been departed from, but I'm not going to hold my breath

  5. Apparently Steny Hoyer was told to vacate his hideaway office too.

  6. I vote to remove all the dead weight from the government, demokrap and rino..... Mc Turtle just gave an eulogy for that POS Mc Carthy so maybe, just maybe this marks the death of the criminal bush gop hangers-on known as rinos

  7. Fook them all. What we need is a Wind Chime movement in DC.
    There's only one party in DC and folks on Mr Lanes site here are most likely not invited. It’s all for show, all of it. Look at how much of our tax dollars went to Ukraine. Look at the money the illegals get, over $2,200 a month!!!! Just for starters!!!! How much do you get from SS?
    All them bastards in DC need to swing. All of them, all of them, all of them, all of them. Their staff too.
    Turn the place into an instant glass factory while they are all in session!!!

    “Mr fbi, cia, dhs, and fusion center heros, these comments are for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect any reality. These are lines taken from a work of fiction for an up coming movie, short, or novel.” Have a nice day.


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