
Monday, October 30, 2023

Screw it, we're having a picnic in the city park

LOS ANGELES - A new survey asking women where they do not want to be taken on a first date is dividing the internet. 

The list shared by @DuvalPromo on Instagram apparently is based on a survey polling women about their least preferred first-date places. The list of 28 venues include popular restaurant chains like Applebee's, Chili's, and Denny's.


Mine and Lisa's first date was a beautiful spring Saturday driving all over Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties in the Mother Lode checking out old mining towns and historical sites. Her idea, not mine.


  1. That is why you followed her to Tennessee. The woman that does what you like while convincing you it was their idea is a keeper.

  2. It was a match made in Heaven.

  3. Waffle House at #27?

  4. I'm glad I'm way too old to be affected by this increased selectivity and ego massaging. It was bad enough 30 years ago, but back then the nicer places were relatively more affordable, there were far fewer chains and so going to a nice place for a first date was a given.

    I can see not wanting to go to most of the chains listed. Most of those places are glorified institutional food (the bulk of it prepared elsewhere and warmed up at the location) and barely acceptable for a business lunch, definitely not someplace I want to blow my "out to dinner" budget on anyway.

    "A woman should be cared for and cherished." What a spoiled cunt... Probably demands equality at work, and when you ask where she wants to go, says "I don't care" but proceeds to turn down the first 11 suggestions. If she won't get out of the car at a restaurant because it doesn't meet her expectations, I'd take her ass home and see if she'll GTFO there.

    Fucking women - if they didn't have a pussy there would be a bounty on them.

  5. One first date, I took her an out of the way spot, really a good place, dreesed nice, the maître d' walked us to our table, seated her, the waiter gave us our menus, ordered our drinks and then ordered our meals...
    This woman, ragged on everyone and everything around us, ordered the most expensive meals and dessert and then only had maybe two bites of each course...
    And THAT was the cheapest date I ever had since. Not the price of the meal, the cheapest date! I never did that again, and I've had some of the best dates since, and married the best one, 39 years ago!

  6. As a guy that has been happily single most of my life, 2 wives and 2 long time girlfriends, I have been on lots of 1st dates my thoughts are this, if we already know each other but have never dated before we can talk about it. If this is someone I don't know much about then we are going for coffee and maybe small dish they serve there..... I'm not putting out a lot of cash nor time on a 1st date, she may think she's worth more but she'll have to prove it to me....

  7. Thus, the: "Where do you want to go?" "I don't know. Where do you want to go??"

  8. Took my wife duck hunting, then cooked & ate the ducks we got & that was that. 38yrs ago.

  9. Didn't see Gun Shop on the list! Bang, bang!!

  10. Lisa played you. Trapped you in the truck during the drive, that made you converse with her, while you talked about your interests.
    Regarding the list, the women answering the survey all want the 5 star restaurant experience. The guy referenced in the story about the Factory had a fancy place picked out, but she was an hour late showing up.

    1. Well, considering I met her in the California History section of the library, I seriously doubt she was playing up to just my interests.

    2. She wanted your body!

    3. Lisa chased you until you caught her. Lucky you.

  11. Not first date, but favorite date: Saturday mornings, after a long night in the ER, he takes me to Waffle House for breakfast.❤️❤️❤️

    1. I was a big fan of an early morning breakfast at Dennys but they are not around anymore, seems IHOP has bought them out. Unfortunately they are not, in my opinion, as good as Dennys was...

    2. I took pre-wifely unit to Denny's after night shifts in the ER as well.

  12. When my sons were going through high school all their girlfriends and girl friends wanted to go to the gun range. I ended up teaching so many teenage girls to shoot trap and skeet that I bought a little Remmington 870 Express Youth Model 20 Gauge for them to use. My various 12 gauges were beating the hell out of them. Not the best gun I ever owned but it gets the job done. Those kids are all grown up now and several of those girls have earned the right to borrow a shotgun if they get a chance to go hunting or shooting.

  13. Why waist time on any person that does not know what the want to do but is certain it is not anything you planned.

  14. I used "Let's go to WalMart cause the condoms are on sale" on a lot of babes, but then again I wasn't looking for a long term hook up..

  15. My first date with my future wife was to the Bahamas for two weeks. That was over 30years ago.....

  16. The last two I took on first dates were up to the mountains to go 4 wheeling in the snow while I told them the mining history of the whole area. One is ready to go wheeling again. no snow necessary. The other, well I dropped her off and didn't bother to get out of the rig.

  17. Oh marriage is doomed. I took my wife of over 30 years to Denny's on our first date. Then we went and saw Top Gun, then a walk along the beach, where we held hands and kissed. So if you ask a girl for a date and she has a list of where you can't take her, well, then do the right thing, and don't take her there...or anywhere...leave her ass home. It's not about the place you go, it's about the connection, the getting to know each other. And if that is over a Denny's special or anywhere else on the list, then that is the place. We remember fondly our Denny's meal and we both remember exactly what we ordered. It was simple, fun, and back then, Denny's had some darn good food. The date is about the interaction, not the place. If your date is upset over the venue, and expects extravagance, you will have a woman who thinks too highly of herself and you will never be happy. Now, if these choosy ass feminists want to foot the bill, then okay, let's go whoop it up at the Four Seasons.

    I can bet you one thing, the bitches who came up with that list fully expect the man to pay. They may be strong powerful leaders in their own minds, but they are cheap whores who don't want to part with their own money and expect you to drop a few hundred bucks on a meal, all the time she knows fully well she don't like you, you ain't getting any, and there will be no second date. Money grubbing whores the lot of them.

    My a girl who thinks Denny's is a perfectly wonderful place to eat. The talk will be interesting, the smiles will be real, and you just may have met...the one.

  18. First date with my beloved bride was a campus Halloween costume party. I was working for a contractor at the time and we both decked out in painter's coveralls. I didn't even have to 'dress' for that one, just picked her up after work and waited five minutes for her to "suit up" in my spare pair. She sure looked cute at 5'5" and 116 pounds in my 2XL Tall coveralls, splattered with paint, spackle and wallpaper paste. We blew a joint in the car before going in to the affair, and I only learned much later that it was her first time smoking weed. Sweet, innocent times.

  19. Take her to a pizza joint.
    if she orders pineapple or eats it with a fork- Run Away!

  20. I don't remember the order, but date #1 and date #2 were shooting in the desert and picking apricots. If shooting in the desert scared her off, she wasn't worth knowing.

    As the person above said, it's the connection with the person. Everything else is just background.

  21. I have no idea what our first date was but I CLEARLY remember the first time my girlfriend’s (now wife) panties hit the floor. That was close to 30 years ago.

  22. My problem with a lot of those places on the list - especially Cheesecake Factory - is that they're noisy. I hate a noisy restaurant. Hard surface ceilings, floors, walls.

  23. Real women wouldn't care where they went as long as it was with someone who treats them well. What are they looking for a limo and 5 star restaurant if that's the case they prob have too much pretend with them count the layers of make up.

  24. No mention of a motel, cool.

  25. First date was her eating a hotdog in the corral while I was castrating bull calves in 90 degree heat. Shit dust was floating thirty feet up in the air. Horses were thundering by as they drove cattle into the sorting pens. Men yelling, cows and calves bellowing as they were sorted, branded, dehorned and got shots. The smell of horse, cattle and men sweating heavy on the air.

    She was standing next to the squeeze chute and glanced down as I picked up a cheese burger with bloody hands to take a bite and looked right into three five gallon buckets of RMO just as she took a bite. She turned green and white but held her food down and finished out the day waiting for me to clean up and put away all the equipment.

    Something must have gone right because she is still here forty years later.


  26. After two failed first dates my son asked what he was doing wrong. I jokingly told him to take his date to something he liked doing. Two girls later he has third date with a gorgeous blonde. The first date he took her catch and release fishing. The second date he carried her to a country fruit and vegetable stand for boiled peanuts. They were married for 5 years until he died.

    1. I'm sorry for your loss.

    2. Hey tsquared, my condolences man

    3. Damn, came back to see what others first dates looked like and this is tough.

      Like Anon and JD expressed, my condolences on your sons' passing.

    4. I am so sorry for your loss. Just saying I have burried some of mine brings tears for me.

    5. May find peace , may the empty place in your heart heal

  27. Dinner at Applebee’s followed by hiking up to a vantage point in the hills she had never been to, laying out a blanket and huddling under another blanket. We looked down on the lit up valley below, pointing out landmarks and just enjoying the view and the company.

    14 years and counting.

  28. My wife, of now 34 years, was married when I first met her. We flirted and our first private time together was my apartment. After she decided I was a better deal than her husband and she left him, our first real "date" was Brazos Bend State Park and we spent the day cruising the trails and observing the wild life. Some years later, she was telling a new acquaintance the story of that first date and described how unexpectedly fun it was. It has been a whole lifetime of new and unanticipated experiences. Never been happier in my life.


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