
Monday, October 09, 2023

Solar researchers sound the alarm to deaf ears: “Severe cold and food shortages as early as the 2030s”

In 1992, Zharkova moved to the United Kingdom and became a leading researcher at the University of Glasgow, studying energy particles in solar flares. After extensive research, she discovered that solar flares were triggered by solar quakes, and in 1998, her groundbreaking discovery was published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature.


  1. I'm so glad I'm reaching my "Use By Date".......

    1. You and me both, Brother. You and me both.

  2. Like what we were hearing and seeing on tv when our kids were kids 45-50 years ago.

  3. People will die. Many people will die. Energy is the key and TPTB are working their plan to eliminate fossil fuel energy. Fossil fuel energy is the only thing that has sustained global growth for food production and keeping people cool and warm. Their replacement plans for energy will fail spectacularly. No doubt that is their plan. They have actually spoken the spoken out loud. People are just not paying attention. You, the individual, are responsible for yourself and your tribe. Act accordingly.

  4. "She cites NOAA, NASA, and other research organizations that have noted this trend in various ways but have not communicated it to the public."

    And yet 10 seconds on google turns up the NASA page discussing this?

  5. People often don't pay attention to such matters till the last minure

  6. Peter Zeihan says Mass starvation worldwide starting with a poor harvest Fall 2024

  7. Doom and gloom, 40 years ago I heard the earth was about to end. 30 years ago the world's ice was going to be melted and seawater was going to drastically rise..On and on and on.. Get back to me when shit is actually happening..

    1. Off topic, but Shit Happening. Took a walk to the river yesterday. Hundreds of dead spawned salmon, and a 100+ or so still working toward their final reward. Just in the quarter mile I walked.
      I haven't seen a run that thick in about 10 years. (Not that it hasn't happened, I just didn't see it)
      All I could think was "them poor City souls downstream that get their drinking water from the river". Sure hope their chlorination system is working.
      But then, this is the same town that had their intake pipe downstream from the sewer plant until somebody said "Hey. Wait a minute....


    2. Yeah, not that I'm taking Jerrys side, but... dude, shits happening. I'll only be 50 next year, never seen some of this shit. You heard about the 5 red heifers Israel imported and the whole bible prophecy about the 3rd temple no doubt?
      You can choose not to believe and thats fine, but it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I'm not sure I believe, but I'm not ignoring whats happening. This is the week I start filling all my magazines. I was fine with it sitting in boxes, not anymore. Donkey Kong has just entered the ring.

    3. I'm only going to say it one time..... If you can't provide proof, bibe quotes are not proof of anything, nor is anything that comes from Israel then you should do a better job of research.... The earth has been changing for millions of years; ice era, volcanic era and so on... That's the real climate change, it's been happening forever and will continue to do so.... If you want to fret about a natural happening then knock yourself out but don't bother me with your fantasies

  8. The Book of Revelations prophesied that in the 'last days' it will cost a full day's pay to buy enough food to stay alive, so then you can work again the next day. Rev 6:6, if you're interested. (the KJV version translates as 'a quart of wheat for a penny', which is why you should not trust the KJV in the modern English vernacular).

    Shit is coming. Got preps??

  9. Look at the bright side. The majority of Americans are obese sol slimming down will be healthy and Ethiopians are used to starving so they won't even notice the shortage.

  10. Kind of curious how you can have a "quake" in a magnetically charged flowing liquid plasma...

  11. We hams know that she was incorrect in her prediction for Cycle 25, which is turning out to be much stronger than expected. Maybe she just called it too early? Prediction is hard, especially about the future.
    - Mr. Mayo

  12. There'll be some furious fapping as the end arrives.


  13. They are planning famines. They just don't want you to realize they are the ones causing the famine. They want you to believe it is climate change, sun spots, or the great spaghetti monster. But they do want 95% of the population gone.

    1. They only want 500,000 people on earth. And with robots to do the work, it will be pleasant. If you're one of the five hundred. Remember the Georgia Guidestones? One was knocked over so they tore down the other four. Because 'safety'.

  14. David DuByne (Adapt 2030) used to cover her work but her predictions haven't exactly been stellar for the past 5 years.
    I'd be more concerned about WEF orchestrated shortages and eliminations.
    Be self sufficient in the boondocks.

  15. Our Sun goes through lots of cycles. There have been swings high and swings low. These things take decades, but yeah, heed the warning if you're under 60.
    Its not all bad, doom and gloom? The last swing low, maunder solar mininum, is why Stradivarius' violins sound so good! The sun didn't shine, so the trees didn't grow as much, so the growth rings were incredibly close together, resulting in exceptionally dense wood grain, and produce a unique tone-sound.
    Guess you should plant some walnut trees or something for your grandkids.


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