
Friday, October 06, 2023

Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett Tells Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to ‘Stay in Your Lane’ Amid Criticism of Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) responded to a tweet by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich criticizing Florida U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL-01) “suicidal efforts to cripple the House GOP.”


  1. Maybe if McCarthy had actually tried to accomplish something, I don't know, like reduce the deficit, Gaetz wouldn't have gone after him. Newt did a great job as speaker. Too bad he endorses the spineless McCarthy.

  2. Remember one thing about Newt, his own party kicked him out CONgress because he's a sleaze bag. Yah, he supposedly "resigned". If he hadn't they would have kicked him out. So now he turns his sleaze bagginess to the public sector and makes bank. I really don't understand this public re-acceptance of people like him and Billary except that their opinions are valued by the enemies of The People which says a lot.


  3. McCarthy might have sucked, but Gaetz is out of control. He has no plan. He just wants to make a name for himself and fund raise off his 'success'.

    1. always been a believer in, "if it aint broke, don't fix it". well,,,?

    2. Keep in mind that McCarthy didn't keep his work, while Gaetz did.

    3. Might?? Hahahahahah

    4. If you can't trust the people on your own team to keep their word, you're doomed. Clean house of the traitors and incompetents first. McCarthy wasn't trustworthy. He was a spineless sellout. He had to go. Gingrich can go with him.

    5. So it's a bad thing to hold those in charge accountable? Wow, something unusual in Washington.

  4. Is that old fucking boomer still around? Just die already Newt.

  5. Bitch all you want. We're gonna put Gaetz right back in next go 'round.

  6. Wow, just had an epiphany. Newt still thinks he is relevant; because he is. I mean he is still part of the RNC rino squad and is calling the shots for the rinos in office! Seesh and here I thought we were rid of him and he was just coasting on FOX for the paycheck.

  7. Enough said.

  8. Gaetz is a frickin ROCK STAR!

    He did the absolute right thing and he did it with 2-ton balls. Bitch all you want girls....the guy was right.

    1. I love Gaetz…… not so much, Newt.

  9. Anyone that rocks the boat is OK by me; next thing to do is sink it. Good for Gaetz and the other Republicans that actually showed some stones.

  10. I took a long hard look at these "conservative " talking heads after the steal of the 2020 election...... 99% of these life long time "experts ' are nothing but payed off bullshit artists including Levine and Newt...... They will never upset their precious paychecks no matter what happens to you, me or the country...
    Matt Gaetz along with the others that voted with him are heroes while those that voted to keep that POS should be voted out...

    1. ^^^THAT!^^^....a thousand times over.


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