
Friday, October 27, 2023

The dumbing down of America

Oregon school chiefs have again suspended the need for high schoolers to prove their math, reading and writing skills in order to graduate. 

The State Board of Education voted last week to continue the suspension for another five years amid claims they are unfair on minority students who don't test well.


I say the dumbing down of America because this isn't the only place I've heard of this being done in the recent past.


  1. Gotta insure there's a future welfare class.

  2. I kant beelive it ?

  3. The problem is not that it is 'unfair' to minorities, the real problem to the left is that some people, INCLUDING plenty of 'minorities' are getting an education, an absolute NO-NO if the left wants to stay in power.

  4. Huh. Did you find this from the link I mentioned in a comment the other day, or other sources?

    What I find amusing (or awful, whichever) about this isn't that they're dumbing the kids down, or that they're not even bothering to teach the three R's. It's that they're not even bothering to HIDE it anymore. They're just straight up admitting that their purpose is indoctrination first above all. And babysitting if it's not *too* much of a bother. The three R's isn't even on the radar.

    And I KNOW that some people who read this are going to think "I'm glad MY kids aren't in Oregon!" To which I say "You fool, I guarantee it's not any different where you are. And, yes, even in your ever-so-special charter school too." They're all government funded, they're all reading off the same playbook, they're all meeting common core requirements, or they wouldn't be federally funded! And that means they're teaching the liberal agenda.

    Please, for all our sakes, pull them out now. They'd be better off raised in a hole in the backyard by illiterate hillbilly drug addicts! If you do decide you're going to teach them something, let them (and you) take a year off first, while they decompress and you read homeschool books. And for best results, discuss the books with your neighbors.

    John G.

    1. Actually, good Sir, Tennessee is voting to refuse federal funding for state education, because they do not wish to be beholden to federal mandates on education.
      Specifically the religious and gender ideologies as well as federal school lunch guidelines is causing the legislature to kiss them goodbye. Not surprisingly, the liberals are screaming we're giving up free money... they never see let alone consider the strings that come with it as a cost.

  5. funny, I remember my dad going off back when they stopped having/teaching shop class
    back in the mid 1980's. and he was right. kids today have no idea how to use tools.
    unless to break into your house or car. or stab you with it. in the mid 1990's I bitched to my kid's teacher about the social studies book. 60 some pages on the civil rights bullshit and 2.5 pages on WW2. and one page of that was on how bad we where for dropping the "bomb" to end it ?? it all leads back to the peanut asshole and his DEPT. of ED.
    and you can add the teachers union in as well. and remember this. thus was all planned out
    to keep a group of assholes in power. George Carlin had a few things to say about this as well. dave in pa.

    1. Take a breath and reload, my brother....

    2. You must have been absent the day they covered when to capitalize words. Hint , at the beginning of sentences among other times.

  6. Dumbing down? As it is in process? It's already been done. Most people today would have to add 20 IQ points to even be considered dumb by prior generations.

  7. I judge the general public by 2 criteria. 1- commercials they watch on TV, 2- The way they drive.

    1. Add to your list: the books they don't read and a lack of ambition to learn "anything" of value.

  8. I'm not saying anything the rest of you don't know from personal experience, but you aren't helping anyone by lowering your expectations of them. Rather, these school officials are demonstrating that they do not care about these students; that they value contemporaneous feelings over long-term success in all aspects of life, and that they are incapable of delivering the services the public has entrusted them to provide. There must be a hot corner of hell reserved for people like this. They should burn for eternity, and the kids whose life potential has been stolen should provide the gasoline and matches.

  9. thomastheglassexpert here. Long ago I was in prison doing a 10 year stretch and continuing my university degree while in the slam. Within 6-9 months I had a bevy of about 25 men mostly hardcore gangsters who asked me to help them read and write as they did not know how to. Prison staff gave me a classroom and enough supplies and I suppose Parole Board looked kindly on that. Point is with no reading/writing/math skills then all young people are good for is the prison pipeline and that's right about it.

  10. They had one job.

    Only it wasn't the job we thought it was.

  11. My younger brother was born in March of 1962. Mom sent him to nursery school so the diminutive primate could acquire a few social amenities - using table service, chewing with your mouth closed, and not tossing a cherry bomb into a full wastepaper basket while no one was looking, then attempting to feign a heart attack when another little rat squealed on him. Mom managed to get him reinstated, largely because the school needed money. So he graduates preschool (or is expelled) and hits the ground running in first grade.

    My mother and grandmother taught school for a living, so both of us learned to read and write before we hit public school. Now me, I got through it. But my brother? He started first grade able to read at a third grade level, and this was an honest third grade level - grandmother taught third grade. By the time he finished second grade, he couldn't read at all.

    So - private school. Which made all the difference in the world.

    My point is that the whole thing was off to a solid start in 1968. It was actually underway when I was in elementary school, but how does a six year old kid explain to his parents that school is a farce, some of the teachers are sadistic, and a few should be locked up for abuse? You don't. I learned to read and write because my mother and grandmother taught me. My brother would have been illiterate if my mother hadn't moved him into private school.

    So now, in 2023, a small percentage of the general population is finally tipping to the fact that the money pit is hosing us over big time.

  12. I'd Federal $$ are tied to the scores on reading/writing skill tests I'm sure they would change their tune..

  13. I guess the first thing you look at if you hire someone now ….is Where they Went to High School.

    If they went to one of these retard states schools, right into the shredder with it.

  14. Students exist for one reason - administration funding depending on the number off students in class on a certain day ... or some such with similar purpose. Who gives a damn about the students themselves? As the prez of one of the teacher's unions said: "We'll pay attention to the students when they start paying dues". I guess taxes don't count.

  15. The whole premise of their argument is really telling (and a commenter above nailed it as well).
    Some students feel bad because they perform poorly on the tests.
    Get rid of the tests!

    The purpose of means testing is to verify the information taught was retained. Their argument is the student did learn the material, but do not perform well on tests (for one BS reason or another). So it appears they lack the knowledge, despite possessing it, and that makes them feel bad. So we should stop making them feel bad.

    Spend 30 seconds trying to have a conversation with one of these illiterate youths, and you see the entire premise is a lie. One great big fat lie. Like everything they do... all lies.

  16. Well, maybe, just maybe, if the whineorities would pay attention and study they might just pass a test.

  17. Well it’s Oregon, so.


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