
Thursday, October 19, 2023

There they go with that 'misinformation' thing again

Meta announced plans Friday to increase efforts to enforce its policies against violence and misinformation as the war in Israel stemming from Hamas terrorists' largest attack on the country in decades continues.


  1. Everything Israel does positive will be misinformation and every Israeli misstep absolutely true.

    1. META’s CEO is (((Mark Zuckerberg.))) Hamas will be 100% wrong and Israel will be 6,000,000% right.

    2. Like Hamas has ever done anything right.

  2. Only approved sources of misinformation will be allowed to post. NYT, WaPo, CNN, et al, and their employees.

  3. Personally I don't care about the gaza or israel except for what it's going to cost the American citizens, taxpayers and military personnel.... That spot of earth has been hating and killing each other forever, nothing Americans do will change anything so we should stay the fuck out and mind our own business.. It's not like our country is in any kind of shape to go running our mouths off or pointing fingers anywhere else in the world

  4. We are so far removed from reality that what actually happens on the ground is secondary to what is reported. Headlines drive public sentiment, which drives policy, and if it comes out later that we were wrong and thousands died for no reason, they'll just say "oops". FB is a big part of disseminating news that has been approved for mass consumption

  5. Misinformation is part of life now and always

  6. But the "Hi Handsome, send me a friend request" scams continue unabated.

  7. Misinformation by Meta is assured.
    AI will never be conscious.
    The machine is only as good as the input and output.

  8. Here's the thing: as long as Israel allows Gaza to be there, there will ALWAYS be issues. Israel uses it to farm money from US Taxpayers. If the Israeli government gave a fuck about its own people, it would carpet bomb the fuck out of the place until every last cockroach there was dead 4 times over, and then turn the place into a tourist trap.

    Palestinians teach each and every generation that the Jews are subhuman and MUST be exterminated at any cost. There is no unteaching that. There is no coexisting with that. Kill them fucking all and be done with it. Israel is already hated by the entirety of the Muslim world, so why the fuck not just wipe the Shit Strip off the map and be done with it?

    1. “ Palestinians teach each and every generation that the Jews are subhuman and MUST be exterminated at any cost.”
      Did you know that the jews refer to non-jews as “goyim,” who are fit only to perform manual labor and die in wars for them?
      Not saying Palestinians are better by any stretch, just want to add context

  9. This sums it up nicely

  10. Maybe a new policy against really fucking awkward sentence structure would be more appropriate.


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