
Monday, October 16, 2023

"Y'all need to take that shit down to the Waffle House"

Hendersonville, North Carolina authorities arrested a man after an argument overflowed into the McDonald's restaurant where he worked at on Monday morning.

The Hendersonville Police Department said officers responded to reports of a shooting at the McDonald's, located on Four Seasons Boulevard, just before 11 a.m. on Monday.


  1. ABC13 out of Asheville has more details on this. Apparently local law enforcement had nine interactions with the victim over the previous four days, with Hendersonville Police responding each time. Sounds like she was unhinged and in dire need of mental health care. The employee/shooter was a convicted felon and was charged with second degree murder. The victim appears to be relatively small-framed with the shooter being a very large guy. He's gonna have a tough time if he argues "self defense."

  2. Back in the 70's when I worked at McD's whenever violence would break out we called it a "Big Mac Attack". Never saw one get all the way to gunfire but I did notice that the people who would get into fights always came in together. The exception was once when a McD's Asst Manger's wife came in and accused him of an affair and he went out and totaled her car with this 3 foot long stainless steel plunger we used to compack trash. Broken glass and car parts flying everywhere, people screaming and crying, police dragging him off in cuffs, it was pretty great. Then I had to sweep up the parking lot.

  3. Too late in the morning for Waffle House, dumb shit hours are between 1 and 4 AM there..

  4. It's just a hop, skip and jump down the road. The owner of this Mickey Ds franchise is Republican U.S. Congressman Chuck Edwards. of course the Assholeville Libs are coming out with how come an employee was allowed to carry a firearm. Anyway the dead babe was from Tennessee and we all know that state breeds a lot of wackos.

  5. No names, no photos of victim or perp. Are we to make the usual assumptions?

  6. Is it them again.........?
    It's ALWAYS them, Boo Boo...


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