
Thursday, November 23, 2023

American Ranchers & Hunters Feeling the Flood of Illegal Invaders ~ VIDEO

Let me tell you why I am worried. I conduct 40-60 Outdoor seminars per year from retail stores such as Cabela’s on up to the big shows such as the SHOT Show. (Yes, Covid slowed my seminars down). 

I think it was a year or maybe two years ago that I was giving a series of seminars at the Dallas Safari Club Convention & Expo. In between seminars, I hit all of the booths, trying to network with the venders. I met with one outfitter whose ranch was down near the border.


Now, let’s fast forward to today’s border crossers. The above-mentioned guide’s wife said they called in the Border Patrol. Upon examining their cabin, the agent kicked the dirt and said, “Dang, we thought that we’d caught all of them.”

She said what? Of course, you haven’t caught all of the illegals. The agent said no, I’m just talking about the Iranians.


  1. Flash Mob terrorist attacks coming soon. Stay armed and stay away from crowds.

    1. Bring 'em on. I'm more concerned with Swiftie flash mobs.

  2. Mmmm…
    I wouldn’t be so kind

  3. Well deep in the Texas south and southwest there is lots of places to feed the buzzards..
    Just saying


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