
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Are you surprised? Really?

The House Ethics Committee will not be investigating Jamaal Bowman's fire alarm heist after he's already been charged with a crime by DC law enforcement, it announced Wednesday. 

Video footage showed Bowman pulling the fire alarm during a chaotic weekend vote to keep the government funded on September 30. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge from the D.C. attorney general related to triggering a false fire alarm and agreed to pay the maximum fine.


  1. Do you want me to act surprised? Because I'm not. Sheesh.

  2. No surprise there. The fucking guy should thrown out of Congress and put in jail...

    Imagine if Jim Jordan did that. The shit would hit the fan. Screw dees assholes!!!

  3. Demonrats are welcome to just fuck off and die. Or EABODADIAF, I really don't care, as long as they begin to populate Hell posthaste.

  4. And this is why we will never recover from the democrats. The republicans do not have a spine. Not a whole one between them.

    1. Exactly. I can literally see this happening:

      "Can you believe those Democrats are trying to pass legislation allowing adults to have sex with children as young as ten? That's outrageous! Our conservative bill will restrict the age of consent to eleven, preserving our values!"

  5. Republicans just want to get along. Democrats are dedicated to dominating. Both parties are not your friends.

  6. This is what they mean when they say bipartisanship. The Ethics Committee only does show investigations and it's long been so.

  7. You can probably count, on one hand, the members of Congress that aren't corrupt. There's really only one solution. Read Vince Flynn's book, "Term Limits".

  8. I'm usually one of those guys who doesn't care to question the reason criminals do criminal things. I don't care about his childhood or how his fucking feelings got hurt and drove him to do whatever. I usually just say "I don't GAF why he did it, just punish him for it.".

    This time, I find myself back-peddling that stance and really would like to see him prosecuted for his intent and purpose in doing it: To deliberately disrupt the workings of congress to the benefit of his party.

    This is why he so eagerly agreed to pay the fine for the false alarm - small price to pay for the goal he accomplished. He'll make that back and more with his next Soros or Xi paycheck.

    Like any politician. They would much rather have you think they're stupid than to realize they're dishonest, compromised, treasonous, lying pieces of shit.


  9. where was he when Biden's cake was on fire

  10. Isn't this the same crime that has thousands of Jan. 6 people rotting in jail?

  11. Fucker needs to be a wind chime. Well all them fookers need the wind chime treatment. Congress is not representing the people. Shall we abolish this form of government?


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