
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

But think of the savings on meat she got

FRANKLIN, Ky. (WSMV) – A Kentucky woman left her house early Friday morning to get good deals at the local Walmart. 

But in an effort to save money, she could’ve cost herself more.


  1. Though not 'on the way to walmart', six weeks ago I did hit 200 pounds of fresh venison with my car going 60 mph. Totaled. I am still laughing. Why laughing? Because I do most of my traveling on a motorcycle, where hitting a deer is one of the most dangerous things I can think of.
    I have now an (almost) new car plus a need to continue counting my blessings.

    1. It hurts when you T-bone a deer at 60.

      Besides helmet, leather jacket, gloves and good footwear, wearing chaps would keep your knee from getting ground to the bone.

      Best thing to remember is to go rag-doll at the point of impact, just like a good majority of drunks that roll over have few injuries.

  2. This is news? Writing a news article like this implies that hitting a deer is a rare event. It's actually pretty common, at least around here, especially this time of year.

    1. Did you read the article? The real story was the money she didn't save on Black Friday.

    2. It's Franklin Kentucky. It is indeed big news. Hell, we'll be talking about that big ol bugger all week. That's why I live here. It's quiet.

  3. Why doesn't the government mandate that the deer wear Day-Glo reflective vests like highway workers. Besides saving vehicle damage it'd make 'em easier to spot in the woods.

    1. Nu huh. I don't need dopes with bucks fever shooting orange things in the woods. It's hard enough to stay safe during farmer season.

    2. You could stencil "I'm a human" on yours. That'd keep you safe.

    3. Day glow green for target deer, keep hunter orange for safety. Me and dog walking back from the mail box (200yds) the wife noticed that New Dog, big for type ,(9 month old Malinios) looked a LOT like a deer! He's now in a full time hunter orange dog vest. We live in Deer Hunt Central, Tennessee.
      You could live off fresh car kill deer around here.

    4. Local farmer, tired of hunters shooting his livestock, painted the word cow on the sides of his cattle, pig on each of his hogs, and pony on his horse. About noon on opening day, he went to check everything and found someone had shot his big green tractor.

  4. I saw the car in front of me squarely hit ~150 lb. buck with a 1969 Chevy Impala. He was doing about 70 MPH. The buck staggered about 60 feet into the traffic going the other way and dropped dead. This happened north of Jacksonville FL. It screwed up traffic in both directions for a long time. By the way, the Impala that had very sturdy bumpers, had its front end dished in by about a foot. The car was nicely restored before the collision. After making sure that the people in the Impala were OK, I got into my car and resumed my drive. The collision made the news.

  5. Back in the fall of 2020, my wife and I were traveling south on I-71. It was at night. We were doing 70 mph in the right lane when another automobile passed us like we were standing still. He had to be going at least 90 if not more. My wife and I both commented that a deer might ruin his day.
    We barely got the words out when suddenly, a big buck ran out of the woods directly in front of *me*. I hit it dead on and didn't have time to even hit the brakes. That deer probably never knew what hit him. (It was a 6 pointer, by the way.) Unfortunately, neither did my car. It was a total loss. Did I mention we got to experience the joy of an air-bag deployment? All five of them went off - even the side curtain air-bags.
    It was a long night dealing with the accident, the tow truck, getting a ride home etc. But, the car was barely a year old and the insurance payout was enough that I was able to replace it, so it worked out okay in the end.
    My sister and her husband hit a deer on a motorcycle back in 87. They were lucky to have survived the encounter. Both had to endure months of treatment for major road rash, mostly in the hospital's burn unit getting skin grafts. They had two young children at home at the time. They sold the motorcycle after that and haven't owned one since.

    1. My cousin Ron was killed when a mule deer T-boned his Harley about 20 years ago up in Montana.
      Totaled both the bike and Ronny.

    2. As soon as we got to Tennessee, Jan, '15, I went to the parts store and got the Deer Air Horns. Package says they don't work below 45 mph. On some slow windies, I hit a deer, after HARD breaking, just hard enough to give him a major charley on his right thigh/hip. He spun around, went down, then started doing the broken back. paralyzed ass crawl, then some control started coming on, pretty soon he was 4 legged drunk stumbling, then he got coordinated and successfully jumped the fence and rejoined his does. The wife and I were SO happy.

  6. On her way to get a new iphone? If she's willing to spend WAY too much money on a shitty Apple phone and support that bullshit... I say just grab the meat, be happy, and shut the fuck up.

  7. Replies
    1. Driving home from work one night. A railroad embankment on my right. Looked up at the bank and saw a big buck deer, but at first thought it was a big dog. Surprise , as it bounded off the bank and into my lane. Luckily I had already started braking and hit the deer going maybe twenty miles an hour. I had a deer bumper on my truck, so no damage, but man , the hair on the hood was abundant. Another night a deer ran across the road in front of me, so I stopped. I gave up counting as twenty deer rushed across the road.


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