
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Chicago, New York City not prepared for 'nightmare winter' as migrants continue to arrive

CHICAGO - Democrat-controlled cities across the U.S. are facing housing shortages and a "nightmare winter" as migrants continue to arrive in major cities, according to a media report on Friday. 

The Politico article, headlined "Democratic cities brace for a nightmare winter housing migrants," detailed the effects of the migrant crisis on New York City and Chicago.


  1. When are the Demonrats going to wake up and admit the border is a problem

  2. What are they bitching about? They tell us global warming has taken over to the point where you will be able to go out in a short sleeve T-shirt in the middle of winter,

    1. They aren't Canadians or Russians. They've been bundled up since the temperature dropped below 60F.

  3. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Looks like a perfect setup for a Donner Pass dinning experience.

  4. Oh woe with us. How will we ever survive. Go home to your tropical weather.

  5. I imagine that Denver could be included in article.

  6. While our veterans sleep on the street, some how they'll find money and housing for illegals.

  7. I don't fucking care.....

  8. Those folks from Mexico, Central, and South America ain't gonna like winter in Chicago. I was there in February one time and I thought about running off to Mexico myself!

  9. try sending them back. its war where they came from. you can mail them the checks you were planning to give them

    1. Grumpy - Yes, it's war where they come from. Military-aged males coming here means either they are expanding their war, or they are all fucking cowards, leaving women and children to do the fighting. Either way, no country wants people of this kind in their midst. Dump them in the Gulf of Mexico, and tell them to swim back.

  10. Just wait. Brandon will keep them coming until the only possible solution is amnesty for all.


  12. Thank god for global warming.

  13. So, frozen burritos instead if soylent green?
    I don't recall sending out invitations; you?
    Biden's government already paying 451 billion of tax money to unwelcome invaders; when's it going to stop?

  14. Let’em the worthless skinsack bums freeze solid the freeloading commie bums

  15. And there crotch gooblins.
    Thats on them. Should have stayed in the heat

  16. I am laughing at how the local home grown parasites are pissed at the new imported parasites because the new guys are out competing the locals.

  17. They're foreign invaders brought here by treasonous filth. I want their lives to be unending misery until they either die or leave. I don't care which. I also want as much misery inflicted on the treasonous progtards in the sanctuary cities as possible.

  18. They need more cardboard boxes.

    Evil Franklin

  19. Spent the winter of 64-65 at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, 50 or so miles north of Chicongo. I'm from New England so was not unfamiliar with cold winters. That time was the coldest I can remember in my 70+ years on the planet. The winters in Newfoundland, where I spent the rest of my my hitch after 18 months or so of Navy schools weren't as bad cold or snow wise.

    Good luck to the illegals in Chicongo. I hope they all freeze to death.



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