
Friday, November 03, 2023

Conway Twitty Greatest Hits

 VIDEO HERE  (1 hour, 38 minutes)


  1. No comments on Conway Twitty. So, I'll leave one. I listened to him as a kid and liked him. I was only around ten when he first came out but he was a big name. I lived in a bar and the jukebox was always cranking his songs. I'd love to lay you down was a big hit. Probably considered sexist today. It was not back then. I just think him worthy of a comment.

    1. I've always thought of him as easy listening country music and always liked him.

  2. I always thought "Play Guitar Play" was his best and it's not on the CD so I include it here.

    Also here's some Trivia: The musical "Bye Bye Birdie" was actually written about Conway. He was a Rock Star Teen Idol in his youth.


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