
Thursday, November 09, 2023

Hey, a man's gotta make a living, right?

CHICAGO — Officials say an 18-year-old Chicago man robbed a sporting goods store in the Loop while he was on pretrial release with seven cases pending. Jaquan Bush managed to pick up yet another felony case after he allegedly committed the robbery in September, but before police arrested him for it last week, officials said.


  1. Can I guess the hue just by the ghetto name ?

  2. At what point does the law determine that enough is enough and a career ne'er-do-well out on bond for his nth alleged felony should probably be held until his court date(s) for the good of society? Do they let White guys rack 'em up like that and still remain free?

  3. Another criminal member of the Bush family...

  4. Give him a fair trial and then take him out back and shoot him. Before he becomes mayor, that is...


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