
Friday, November 03, 2023

In a town of 3500.....

WEWOKA, Okla. (KFOR) – After weeks of gang shootings, house fires, and the city nearly shutting down due to safety concerns officials in Wewoka finally have told their citizens what has been happening.

Ah, okay. Blacks and Indian gangs. I should've known. It's always the minorities.
In the video link below, it sounds like the local tribal police are hiding under their desks.
VIDEO HERE  (3:12 minutes)


  1. "Ah, okay. Blacks and Indian gangs. I should've known. It's always the minorities".

    Got news for you kemosabe, the Natice Americans are not a minority in Seminole Co. OK. //Standing Bare, Principal Chief, PokeAlottaTwats, Bowleggs, Ok.

    1. Damn, smack me down and school me!

    2. Lotta red headed, blue eyed whites with roll #"s these days as well as a lot of blacks here too. All will be bending over for the cartel & the Chinese if they ain't already.

  2. In their defense, they were invited to (stretch...yawn) "try that in a small town".

  3. Citizens arm themselves, subjects depend on authorities.
    A real citizenry would have a militia activated in a situation like this.
    The citizens are ultimately responsible for their community.

    1. My thoughts exactly, in a place that size most everyone knows who are causing the problems, what they drive and where they live..

  4. Lawd, lawd,,,,,they canceled the sorgum festival.

  5. Not being a man of violence, I'd never suggest to shoot a few of them just to send the rest a message.
    A shotgun and a backhoe are a viable solution sometimes. But, I'd never advocate for such a thing.
    *cough cough*


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