
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Mayor Adams unveils sweeping NYC budget cuts, blaming migrant crisis

NEW YORK - Mayor Eric Adams’ administration announced on Thursday that the city is enacting around $4 billion in budget cuts over the next year and a half that will cancel the hiring of new police officers, slash the education budget by $1 billion and close libraries on Sundays.


  1. I wonder if all the high-dollar citizens who have fled NYC had any impact on their budget, or if it's just the sudden influx of sanctuary seekers?

  2. Sanctuary embracing Liberal New York City is like a dimwit babe who is swept off her feet by a good-looking sociopath. She's enamored by his smooth talk and gets off by showing him to her friends until his love taps suddenly turn into beat downs then she's shocked.

  3. good -- make all the new yorkers "pay" for their brilliant "sanctuary city" position

  4. This is what they voted for. What's the problem? As someone who grew up in South Texas all I can say is "Ha ha ha ha ha ha".

  5. this here is something I do not understand at all. how or why do we have to pay for these freeloaders ? just where is that written ? like what the fuck. I had to pay for everything in my damn life just like a lot of others here. why do they get a free ride ?
    this is without any doubt the dumbest thing this country has done.
    and everyone of the assholes that are letting this shit happen should be hung
    after we take all of THEIR money to pay for this stupid shit show.
    send them the fuck back ! fuck the dumb shit. dave in pa.

    1. You have to assume everthing that the "powers that be" does or allows to happen is directed at destroying the country. When you look at it that way this whole thing is smart. For them.

  6. This is what they voted for, regularly, so deal with it

  7. When speaking of crisis, never ever mention how or why or who is behind creating that crisis.

    Politickians speak as if crisis naturally manifested like a weed poking up through cracked concrete in the fetid city. Spend more money. Geeat gobs of more money.

    Don't raise taxes - yet. Take monies from niceties like police and fire, schools and libraries.

  8. All this for wetbacks. Send the damn free loaders and the crooked politicians back with extreme prejudice.

  9. They feel they need to blame someone, other then themselves

  10. I don't get it. with the $$ you're spending, you could've sent every one of the "migrants" back to their home country in first class ... several times over! but no, fuck your own constituents. yeah, that makes more sense.

    - Chi


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