
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Army’s Two-Faced Covid Memo

This month the Army quietly released a memorandum that circulated through its recruiting command a week earlier, finally rescinding its tyrannical Covid mandates. Titled “Message on Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Recission,” this policy change is attributed to the Department of the Army G1, which is the equivalent of the service branch’s personnel division. The memo halts involuntary separations, orders the removal of negative Covid-associated information in soldiers’ personnel files, bans future punitive action related to Covid shot refusals, and states that soldiers kicked out over the shot mandate can now seek to have their general discharges upgraded to honorable, and even to pursue reinstatement. In short, it announces a total elimination of the Covid shot mandate and the cessation of harassment directed toward those who declined these experimental treatments. 

Or does it?


  1. Oh and they are actively attempting to get those that they unceremoniously kicked out to come back.... Complete with a whitewashing of that despicable removal from duty ... Yea, fuck off assholes

  2. So often I see in articles the phrasing like, '... quietly released ...'.
    To me this seems to infer a bit of skullduggery, on the QT, hush hush.

    But 'without fanfare, without press release' is what it really means. Why should any memo involve a PR statement? It shouldn't. But certain biases among urnalists perceive cloak & dagger scheming everywhere. Because it appeals and because it sells to their audience.

    Yes, of course, this is nothing new. Especially among those with a claim upon the truth.

  3. For anyone contemplating joining the military know this; mandating "vaccinations" or other medications is nothing new and is part and parcel with being in the military. During boot camp you will be "vaccinated" by walking through what we called "the gauntlet," where corpsmen with pneumatic injectors will hit you in both arms multiple times. You'll walk out of boot camp about as "vaccinated" as you can get! During my 21-year stint in the military I was also FORCED under pain of BEING PROCESSED FOR DISCHARGE to take the "flu vaccine." I had never had the flu, and yet I had to take that damned shot every year. The shot produced FLU SYMPTOMS FOR DAYS. In other words, the damned "vaccine" GAVE me the FLU!

    I'm going on 63 years old now. I've had the flu ONE TIME in my LIFE. And yes, this was even though I was "vaccinated..." by Uncle Sam. If mandated "vaccines" are a sore point with you, DON'T join the military!!!

    1. Bingo Pete. Add to the "don't join" advice: There's a possibility of getting shot with other things bigger than needles comes with the territory..

    2. Same same. Got my first flu shot in Boot. Got the freakin Hong kong flu on boot leave. Years later working in a hospital the pressure was great to get a flu shot. I got it to get people off my ass. Yup, had the flu within two weeks. Never did that again and never had the flu again. Didn't get the covid shit and aint had that either.

    3. Yeah, your info is a bit out of date. There is no "gauntlet" . You still get your shots, and you can request a religious accommodation before hand. The flu shot still sucks.

    4. There is a grave (literally) difference between the COVID jab and the immunizations given to new recruits. In other words, your rant is pointless.

      Also, I'm 61, enlisted in the Army in 1981 for one hitch, and never got nor was asked/ordered to get a flu shot.

  4. One thing to remember about the Covid shot vs. all the shots that the military has been giving new members for a long time, is that the Covid clot shot was a new, conditionally approved vaccine that did not have the same stringent regimen of testing that any other vaccine would go through. So while getting a bunch of shots in boot camp or basic training might have been BS, at least you could be assured that the shots that you received were mostly safe. The Covid shot has been shown to be anything but, with hardly a week going by before another public figure dies much too young, due to health conditions that used to be rarely seen until much later in life.

    1. this is exactly the difference. I remember the "gauntlet" of shots, but all of them were properly vetted and tested vaccines. the one time I was "required" to take an experimental drug (the Gulf war nerve agent pills) I refused. well, i just tossed one pill a day in the shitter.

      - Chi.

  5. FTA. Everyday. In every way.

    1. I had FTA tattooed on my bicep when I was in the army. My first tattoo, as a matter of fact. I broke down and covered it about 35 years ago.

    2. I'll never be happy, I'll never be free..... until I fuck the army the way they fucked me.

  6. Phuque DotFedGov. Everyday. In every way. tat/tip Hobo

  7. I've run the gauntlet three times in my life, first at the tender age of nine. Pretty sure I'm immune to everything out there. Fuck them and their kill shots.


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