
Friday, November 17, 2023

More insurance companies announce plans to leave California

More insurance companies have announced plans not to renew policies for California homeowners beginning in 2024. 

Four companies, Merastar Insurance Co., Unitrin Auto and Home Insurance Co., Unitrin Direct Property and Casualty Co. and Kemper Independence Insurance Co., attributed the move to a nationwide restructuring decision from their parent company Kemper Corp, according to documents filed with the California Department of Insurance.


  1. Why do people in Kalifornia need insurance anyway?
    I am sure Gavin Nuisance will just replace it with taxpayer money.

  2. Gonna complicate selling a house if/when you decide to bail for better places.

    1. You nailed it, rick. A buyer can't get a mortgage if he can't get insurance.

  3. Not to worry. The Federal government will step in by requiring Insurance companies to insure California houses and us folks in Red states will see our rates double.

  4. In CA, a friend has his newish work truck totaled by an illegal coming down hill with no brakes and no insurance. Not ins co totaled, literally totalled, undriveable.

    Deputues refused to take illegal into custody saying it's a federal matter.. Friend's ins co refused his claim for truck and loss of tools. Thankfully, his medical expenses were covered.

    John Garamendi was CA's first Ins Commissoner. It was he who pushed mandatory insurance plus uninsured motorist. He came straight from an insurance underwriter.


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