
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Near-record number of illegal immigrants are crossing the northern border

(Daily Caller News Foundation) — Border Patrol encounters of migrants crossing the northern border illegally hit a two-decade high in October, according to recently updated Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data. 

There were 1,521 such encounters recorded in October alone, according to the data. The last time monthly encounters surpassed that number was in August 2001, when Border Patrol recorded 2,016, according to federal data.


  1. Have no fear: Pedo Joe will issue an Executive Order making all people, who are currently residing in the United at the time he leaves office, citizens of the United States of America.
    Don't believe me: Just Watch!

    1. Granted after military service to round-up those nasty MAGA deplorables...

  2. There's a reason Manchester NH is called Manchganastan

  3. Got a friend who lives in the Caliphate of Maine. Some estimates put the number of Muslims in Maine is around 15,000 people.

  4. These freeloading cocksuckers are getting an dose of the fuckening as they get here and find it unbearably cold with no housing, realizing that they may have made an huge mistake, lots of them flee back to warmer places. I thrive here because I was born here, go back to your shithole! This place isn't as advertised you dumbasses!

    Chutes Magoo

  5. Apparently they are unaware of the auto exploding on the bridge.

  6. Well, 2 less than might have been earlier…..

  7. Yup, Canada after 8 years of Trudeau has become so awful that Biden's USA looks good.


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