
Monday, November 27, 2023

Nice try, but that shit don't fly (in my best ghetto voice)

When prosecutors accused liquor store security guard Chester Holmes of shooting a customer three times because they refused to put on a mask during the COVID pandemic, his defense attorney suggested that the shooting was self-defense.

“This is obviously going to be a self-defense case,” private attorney Jonathan Feldman argued during Holmes’ initial bail hearing. He summarized the case as “basically, a customer who’s unruly, who wants to put other lives at risk” by not wearing a COVID mask.


  1. Does the threat of getting infected with the big "C" rank up there with being attacked with a machete? Looks like the holy 9 are gonna have to answer that.

  2. Plea deal on top of plea deal. Dropped charges and this scum is elgible for parole in half the time. Prosecutors get a win but where is real justice?

    Notice the article didn't mention the store on the hook for hiring this convicted pedo and allowing him to carry a firearm. Don't tell me they didn't know.

  3. It's Chicago.
    I'm surprised ge got that much time.
    Kim Foxx, DA, has refused to charge in a gang shootout that was caught on video, door cams as well as police body and car cams, where 2 died and police were shot at, on the theory that the incident was "mutual combat" which is only a basis to refute a claim of self-defense.
    John in Indy

  4. They should have him serve the entire sentence wearing a mask, 24/7


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