
Monday, November 06, 2023

Oh, suddenly now it's not okay?

A Connecticut judge has ordered a redo of the Democratic primary in Bridgeport after obtaining shocking footage of alleged illegal ballot box stuffing. 

Surveillance video shows several people appearing to shove stacks of ballot papers into drop boxes at several locations across the state's largest city.


  1. Wait, I thought that the mere verbal expression that voter fraud was even a thing was a criminal act. Quick, someone needs to inform the Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis because I believe there was quite the to-do about this very thing. Like a months long grand jury proceeding spending millions of dollars. It was in all the papers. I guess this judge didn't get the memo.

  2. Looks like the wrong Democratic person won. This begs the question: If you belong to the Democratic party does than make you a Democratic?

  3. There is some serious evil running the United States....

  4. This country is fucked.....

  5. So the same type of videos were disregarded by judges every where else in the country but this judge decides that stuffing the drop box is fraud. I guess this judge decided since it is not about a republican losing, we need the right democrat. This judge is toast

  6. The rules only matter when they serve the interests of the left. Otherwise the rules simply don't exist.


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