
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Settlers Versus Migrants

Until very recently, the term “decolonization” was familiar only to those within the hothouse of contemporary academia. The concept figures prominently in “cultural studies,” “ethnic studies,” and “postcolonial studies”—pseudo-disciplines that serve to disseminate leftist propaganda on campus. Decolonization supporters endorse the process of returning “occupied” lands to the groups who were displaced or marginalized by “settlers.” As much as academics talk about this topic, they say precious little about how decolonization is to be achieved. That’s smart, because short of the “colonizers” deciding to pick up and leave, “decolonization” can only be achieved through bloodshed.


  1. Are they calling for the Amerinds to return the land to those displaced by them when they came over the land bridge to the Americas?

    1. That would be the clovis people; who actually came by sea from europe. So technically europeans were just retaking their land from the amerinds.


  2. Lefty bleeding-hearts might want to check in on black South Africa, which successfully threw off the yoke of White colonialism and was left to its own devices. Last I heard, SA adopted the Haiti model and went from being a modern, wealthy first-world society to a hellish, poverty-stricken third-world shithole in the span of a single generation. So much for that "morally superior" indigenous population.

  3. Come on let's welcome the new Pilgrims at Thanksgiving

  4. OK, but if evil whitey has brought nothing but disaster to the country then take everything whitey brought to the country including infrastructure, medicine, foodstuff (animals, plants etc.) technology and anything else invented by whitey when they leave.

    They can then go back to living in the paradise that existed before evil whitey arrived and live exactly as they did back then.

  5. I would like to talk someone who calls Jews in Israel “colonizers”. Just to see how stupid they really are.

  6. This would work great for Europe, all the muslims would have to be kicked out and stop raping white women.

  7. We're not colonizers. We're conquerors.


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