
Friday, November 10, 2023

"You want your food warm, you better tip me first"

DoorDash users who place orders without any tips for the delivery driver could wait longer to receive their items. 

“Dashers can pick and choose which orders they want to do. Orders can take longer to be accepted by Dashers tend to result in a slower delivery,” a DoorDash alert said, according to articles and screenshots posted to social media.


I don't get that whole DoorDash and Uber Eats thing. To me it is the epitome of laziness.
I mean, I can understand it if you're an invalid and want a little variety from the Meals on Wheels, or maybe if you're hungry and too sick or even too hammered to drive or cook, but just because you had a hard day at work? Are you so tired that you can't sit on your ass for 2-3 minutes in your vehicle at the drive-thru? Sorry, I'm not buying that.
Then there's the cost - you're paying for your food, then a rate for delivery, then a tip? I can see where that can blow the price of your meal sky high.


  1. Still cheaper than a DUI

  2. I've heard the delivery services mark up the actual restaurant prices THEN ask for a delivery fee and a tip for the driver. From the restaurant's perspective they can get hammered with a bad review if the DD driver screws up, so it isn't much of a win for them.

    1. The restaurants usually post a higher price on their delivery menus to offset some of the delivery platform's service charge that they get from the restaurant.

  3. If you don’t want “special sauce” you better tip me first,

  4. How about the tip of my boot up your greedy ass?

  5. All the stories about irate Doordash drivers on the internet, you'd have to be out of your freaking mind to order take out using them. 2 days ago, midnight, doorbell rings, Ring shows black guy putting something on my front steps. Turns around and leaves. I go out, package, it's Taco Bell for Brian C. I have no idea who that is. Live on street with 10 houses, nobody named Brian. So I figure, guy got the wrong address, leave the package in case he comes back. Never does.

  6. I aint that lazy, i do my own work.

  7. I order door dash when I am at work. I don't really get time to go out and get lunch, so it's either that or don't eat.

    1. I always just brought my own lunch from home.

    2. I door dash, I am cripple, require a walker and oxygen 24/7 do not drive, and live alone. Take it from there and tell me how to make it better. O better yet you give it a try.

    3. Desertman39 - as I said in the post "I mean, I can understand it if you're an invalid..."

  8. The less people that touch my food the better.
    Make my own lunch, my own dinner.


  9. Driving for Door Dash (or Uber) is a losing proposition if you add in all the costs. Back in the 1980s, the government thought it was worth 54¢ per mile on your personal car if you added in fuel, maintenance, depreciation, etc. Can't imagine

  10. A friend signed up for Doordarshan when teaching her teens to drive. Gave them practice, and earned a bit at the same time.

  11. Trusting the "people" who engage in this no-win business of food delivery (seriously... consider what the actual costa are versus what they pull in... depreciation, wear & tear, insurance...) is a bad decision. I do not want people messing with my food. A can of tuna, some rice and some hot sauce is healthier by far, and much less $$$.

  12. Doordash is wonderful.
    Since payments go through credit cards you can now pay for your BigMac in twelve easy payments, get fat and poor and blame society for it. You'll be the perfect victim.

  13. The epitome of the current generation.
    They do not cook anything, all fast food.
    They have someone else do everything for them: groceries, laundry, delivery, home repair... everything. They literally are incapable of doing anything for themselves. Its endemic to their entire lives - pass laws and have cops do their dirty work. Useless sacks full of shit are insulted at how useless these kids are.

    1. And then they whine about not being able to pay back their student loans and want the taxpayers to pay it for them.

  14. OK, I'll admit to it. I use DoorDash quite often. One - I have to drive thru hell's own traffic jam to get home every day. Once I'm home, like hell I'm leaving again. Two - Once home, I start on the whiskey. I'm usually still sober by dinner, but not by much and I ain't gonna trust a breathalyzer. And three - I got the money, so fuck it. DoorDash generally gets it right, but about every 10th or 12th order there'll be a fuckup and I'm getting a full refund and eating a spam sandwich again.

    Like someone above stated, cheaper than a DUI.

  15. Tip them well, get your food spit on anyway, just because you live in a nice house?
    No thanks.

  16. We quit ordering pizza delivered from a local place because they now only use a delivery service. When their employee did the deliveries it was fast and he got tipped well.

  17. When I retired, i started door dashing for some extra money and it keeps me out of my old lady's hair since she works from home. We live close to a huge retirement community so I get a lot of grocery orders for the old folks who can't or don't like to get out. The grocery orders pay better than the fast food deliveries, and I enjoy chatting with the old folks. We don't use door dash ourselves for the same reason as most of you, I don't want some stranger touching my food. When my S.S. kicks in here in a few months, I will probably stop for a while.

    1. I found I had a hard time retiring, well I had a hard time breaking the "work" habit. I kept picking up workcamping jobs (I was in an RV), I finally had to force myself to not take a paying job for 6 months.. It sounds strange when I read it but that was how it was, I did finally get used to not having a job. :-)
      Good luck!


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