
Friday, December 08, 2023

A what puppy?

A Bernedoodle puppy stolen along with a pet walking van in San Francisco's Nob Hill neighborhood has been found safe, police said Tuesday evening.


Man, I'm so old I can remember when mixed breeds were call mongrels or mutts and you couldn't hardly give the damned things away.


  1. Kenny, these cross bred dogs go for more than what a good used car usta cost!! I did finally figure out what the puppy sellers meant by an F1 labradoodle vs. an F2 labradoddle. In the first case the male dog jumped one fence to get the the bitch in heat. An F2 means the male jumped 2 fences- double the effort. That’s why F2 puppies cost more!

  2. Yeah a what puppy, not one I have ever heard of

  3. What is a put walking van? How is it used?

  4. yea, but a mixed breed will be the most loyal campions you will ever have. hell they don't ever get sick, you can't knock them in the head or run over them and git rid of em. the best dogs i have ever owned have been mixed breeds. please check the shelters, there are so many that are looking for a forever home.
    remember, you don't choose a dog, they choose you. you will know.

    1. I've never had anything but mutts. Never had one I regretted getting, either.

    2. True, WC, but the names some of them were given might lead the uninitiated to think otherwise. :-)

    3. Like CharlieGodammit and that asshole dog Jack? Trust me, they earned those names but made up for them after they settled down.

    4. Our bobby dawg definitely picked us. we were at the humane society looking for a dog, ours had just died. The humane society had only 1 small dog listed and lots of big dogs so we went to look at the little dog and we didnt want her. A smaller dog started barking at us from his cage, demanding our attention. we were told he had just come in , part of a plane load from the mid east. While we were talking his barking got more demanding, its like he was saying PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! We took him out in the yard and in 5 minutes he had won us over. He had some health issues but he-s our "sweet boy"..

  5. NOTHING should be crossed with a poodle!

    1. Nonsense, but understandable. We have Maltipoo siblings. They don't shed.

    2. We have Goldendoodles, an F1 and an F2. They are great dogs - smart, affectionate and they dont shed. Last dog was a mutt and the two before were an AKC registered Shepherd and Labrador. Love(d) them all and to each their own.

    3. I'm not a big fan, but Standard Poodles are tough dogs and make great watch dogs.

    4. I knew somebody that had a pair of Standards and they'd agree with you.

  6. Bernese Mountain Dog with an attitude. Probably not a bad mix. The problem with all these 'purebred' dogs is that they are all shallow gene pool. Mixing a bernese and a poodle would probably improve the health of the animal.

  7. It's crazy how much mutts are now and how people like me pay for them.

    Even 15 years ago, we bought a Boston Terrier/Basset Hound mutt for $500 (my wife had to have him). Great dog and he's still around, but he's on his way out. Crazy though...

  8. It appears that the dumbass left the keys in the van when she got out. In San Franfreakshow.


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