
Monday, December 11, 2023

An end to breast cancer? California company develops groundbreaking vaccine with promising future

An estimated one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, killing on average 42,000 women a year in the United States. 

What if there was a vaccine that would significantly lower each woman's chance of ever getting it in the first place? In that question lies what could be the answer to one day eliminating the deadly disease.


  1. Pfony Pfake from Pfizer but ONLY if you vote for Joe.

  2. Would this be a start up funded by pfizer?

  3. They will never allow a cure, there is no money in that. I have terminal cancer, I have undergone immuno therapy's at a cost of 40k per medicine and being given 2 med at each infusion. I have read and seen videos which detail that infusions of Vitamin C will cause your body to become a hostile environment for cancer and can kill it. There will never be any testing to verify because you cannot patent anything in nature. I am looking for a OCONUS facility which will provide the treatment.

    1. I'm sorry to hear of your cancer. Good luck to you.

    2. Older publication but still available. "The One Minute Cure for All Diseases" by Cavanaugh.
      Food grade hydrogen peroxide and keeping your body out of acidic state.

    3. Lyposomal Vitamin C consumed orally will let your body hold more than the 1-days worth of vit c you can usually hold. Check Amazon, and take a few packets at a time. A doc I know gave it to his cancer ridden aunt, with good results.

  4. all vaccines are poison and none do what they claim

    1. Uh-huh, now explain why polio and smallpox aren't an issue any more. I'll wait.

    2. From Jonas Salk to Anthony Fauci as American medical experts in less than two generations.
      I weep for my country.

    3. Diphtheria and Cholera used to be major killers of children and old people. To the point you can see an outbreak by the clustering of child deaths. You know, Diphtheria, the reason for the sled-dog run that inspired the Iditarod Race? Cholera, which killed lots of people (including my great-grandparents in New Orleans) in the South?

      Thankfully those two horrors have pretty much been eradicated by VACCINES here in the US of A.

      Then there's measles and mumps that did major damage to children. Eradicated due to vaccines.

    4. Mostly sewers and clean & cheap drinking & washing water, wirecutter. Polio and smallpox incidents were both on a steep decline when the vaccines where introduced. While it's possible that the vaccine contributed, it's impossible to determine for sure, or to say with any degree of surety how much. It *is* likely that the vaccine helped. Would they have been completely eliminated without the vaccine? Maybe and maybe not.

      Also, polio isn't gone. And with the illegals being let in without health screening or quarantine periods, there've been a few cases in the US again.

      The smallpox vaccine really was relatively safe and quite effective. The polio vaccine less so on both counts. And in fact, the case has been made that the last twenty or so years (before the declared victory and stopped vacinating for polio) was ONLY cases that were cased by the "weakened virus" polio vaccine.

      Though thinking about it, the public health benefits may be the primary reason that the true cost-per-gallon of domestic water systems isn't passed on to the consumers. Apparently, providing all that water is really really expensive, and most places recoup less that 10% of that cost from consumers. I've always considered that to be an abomination (which causes displaced costs and malinvestments like water conservation laws that make it illegal to sell toilets, showerheads, and washing machines that actually work.) but the public health angle at least explains how we ended up where we are.

      John G

    5. Look at vaccine protocols now. I believe there is even one to be given at birth. Birth? For ruminants colostrum is the milk for the first 24 hours, very important for baby's immune system, but you don't hear that discussion for people anymore (used to). Food allergy, allergies in general and autism are up - why? I'm not anit-vaxx, but want to vax smarter. Kids can't control their own internal temperature well until around 7 or 8. What about the immune system? If these diseases are largely eliminated we could delay immunization until their immune system becomes better developed. We had this up until we've flooded our boarders. MMR vax shows cross effectiveness against many other things including COVID. Good evidence (Not conclusive, but interesting study) that long-term flu vaccines do more harm than good. Need to save those for >70 year olds when immune system wanes. Good evidence that can regenerate T cell response, study out of New Zealand if I remember. We are still learning the basics!

      We could be doing this SO MUCH BETTER for overall individual health while achieving same public health goals.

      I trusted vaccines until COVID and began to study this. Now DO NOT trust your doctor, but do your own research. You must be your own expert. Flu vaccines are easiest to now modify, already offering combination COVID/Flu vaccine. Sorry, I wouldn't trust a anti-cancer vaccine at this point. The trust has been broken.

    6. John G, I'm thinking the opposite of you. Sure, sanitary conditions had a lot to do with it, but it was the vaccines that did the heavy lifting. For one thing, clean water is something we take for granted in western countries, but what about those third world countries? And what about our troops that have fought wars in areas where sanitary conditions are completely dismal? You don't think their vaccinations didn't help?
      Also, read Beans' comment directly above yours.

      As far as the anonymous commenter that started this thread claiming ALL vaccines are poison, as a military dependent and later a soldier, I've filled up 2 of those yellow shot record books and started a third, and not only am I still here, but I also haven't seen a doctor in almost 8 years.



    9. Anon@6:54, that the nice thing about the internet. You can find anything to support your own opinions, no matter how outlandish or biased they are. Google Flat Earth sometime for just one example.

    10. First I empathize for those with Cancer. I have no idea what it is like for you.

      Secondly, clean water and living conditions ARE the explanation for the turnaround in diseases. Also our food in general IS poisoned with preservatives and non natural shit. Start eating fresh food with as little processing as possible. Get back to God's will for your food and not shelf stable shit. You will see improvement very quickly.

      Lastly, put your trust in our true Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only way to the Father. I onve put faith in vaccines. Franklin Graham said Jesus would take the vaccine. Franklin Graham said the Messiah would take the vaccine. Talk about a board in one's eye.

  5. I have not tried this. I may need it in the future like most people. It is the ivermectin of cancer treatment so I read.
    https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch . com/fenbendazole/

    1. My wife had colon cancer and she now is cancer free, using this and many vitamins, such as d3, b12, C along with zinc and turmeric. This stuff specifically kills cancer cells. You can get tablets or a paste available from Tractor Supply or other places. I am telling you this is no joke, look into it yourself. Hybo

  6. True traditional vacines actually do what they are supposed to do. Smallpox, polio, a litany of diseases can be prevented. When they do "vaccines" for for virals like measles is where the problems start. If you got the measles shot, there's a good chance you'll get shingles down the road. But don't worry! There's a vaccine for that also!

    1. Shingles comes from the chicken pox virus. If you had chicken pox as a kid the shingles virus is already latent in you, just waiting around. You want to get the Shingrix vaccine. It is very effective.

    2. If you had chicken pox as a kid you have natural immunity. While latent it can re-emerge when your immune system is impaired.

    3. From what I understand older people being exposed to younger people who have chicken pox, refreshes their immunity as the virus tries and fails to infect them. This prevents shingles.

      At least that's what I understand.

      John G

    4. One of my sisters got shingles almost immediately following her second Covid shot. I took a flu shot about 15 years ago and got the flu almost immediately afterwards. I tool it just to shut my Dr up who kept pushing me to take it "because you're old" Mr. At my next apptmt I blasted her and told her in no uncertain terms that would not EVER be taking another flu shot. I also declined ALL Covid shots, even though I have like five comorbidities. 'Course she tried to guilt trip me into taking it, telling me I'd probably die because of my health issues.

      I got Covid eventually. Christmas Day 2021 I awoke to steaming eyes and nose and felt like I'd swallowed a Brillo pad. Down for the count for four days.

      When I told her during my next apptmt that I got Covid, she didn't believe me, even though I gave her chapter and verse of the symptoms I had which perfectly aligned with the published symptoms list. I think she thought I should be dead.


  7. There was a time when vaccines were effective and with rare exception safe. That time has passed. Now "vaccines" are just a vector for dangerous experimental substances intended to
    kill people in order to "thin the herd".

  8. What makes them think we'll ever trust them or their "vaccines" again?

  9. Like many, my distrust of vaccines is high. But there are exceptions. In this story my Spidey sense went off when the Cleveland Clinic was invoked. Largely because of their positions on "gender affirming" care. Do the search. They push this dystopian dogma hard.

  10. I am legend.

    Steve the Engineer.

  11. So let me get this straight. The people that just tried to wipe out a large portion of the population with Covid Vaccines and are talking about the overpopulation of the Earth are going to make a vaccine to prevent a Cancer? So will this only be offered for the wealthy elites or will it be cheap enough for the general population who will drop dead of other organ failures (but thankfully not breast cancer).

  12. the substack the 2nd smartest guy in the world has good info and links on the ivermectin and fenben cancer treatment protocol.

  13. I don't think I ever had measles or chickenpox vaccines. Probably got them in the military though. I had measles and chickenpox as a kid. I couldn't go to school but felt no ill effects. Sure they itched. I used to go out in the garage, fire up the pot belly and make stuff. Had the mumps on one side. They said you will get them on the other but never did. Had a sore throat and swelling. That was about it. If you think you have the mumps but aint sure, bite into a dill pickle. My father had me do that. Holy Shit! It'll kind of lock your jaw up right now. I had an aversion to dill pickles for a long time after that.


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