
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Beware of Short Rounds



  1. Been there many times. Best part is hear 105s going overhead while on the way to go swimming. Good ol Fort Hood.

    1. Yep. 502nd MP Co. 2AD. 1970-1971.

  2. I was at Ft Lewis when a NG unit threw some rounds outside the box and landed on the road that went around the impact area. Sadly, an active duty unit was on a road March and took fire. It did not endcwell.

  3. I may have been on that range when I did four-deuce training there in 1960.

  4. Me and a G/F were out there in the middle of the week screwing around on a picnic table when a Chemical Company came out of the woods in their Fox Recon vehicles and proceeded to test the amphibious capabilities of them... pretty damned cool... swam clean across the Lake...

  5. For some reason I kept reading this as 'Beware of short roundabouts'.

    It kept going through my head, what the fuck is Ken trying to tell us and what is a short roundabout and what does it have to do with artillery fire.

    Took me several times coming back to read it to unfuck my head and read it for what it is.


  6. Remember my first time flying under outgoing at Ft Bragg. We took some Field Grade to watch the new MLRS from an OP. Was kinda cool watchin those rockets go by. Much preferred the SP 8in though, they are never short, always long. Was at Ft Pickett when the VANG shot one long over the highway.


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