
Monday, December 11, 2023

California’s budget deficit increases to $68 billion

California’s budget deficit has skyrocketed to $68 billion mainly due to months of unexpectedly low tax revenues, according to a new analysis from the Legislative Analyst’s Office released on Thursday.

The latest deficit figure far exceeds the $14.3 billion estimate from June, according to Politico. The shortfall could potentially lead “Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers to make spending cuts on a scale that few term-limited elected officials in Sacramento have faced” during the next legislative year, the report said.


  1. I'm happy to say I left CA last year, so Not My Circus, Not My Monkey.

  2. Guarenteed the spending cuts will be stuff like infrastructure, fire, and police. But not the bullet train to Vegas or the gov.s hair gel.

    1. The Go-Fast Choo Choo and the Brightline project between Vegas and SoCal will keep chugging on down the rails for now, thanks to the six plus billion dollars given the state by Pete Buttegag. No state money needed for now.
      These projects will "reduce congestion, help end our dependency on fossil fuels and advance the fight against climate change."

      After all, what's $6 Billion when you're $33 Trillion in debt?

  3. Newsom locks the state down during the same time period that 800,000 taxpayers leave the state for greener pastures and the Democrats can't figure out what happened that caused state revenues to drop like a rock.
    It may not be rocket science, but it's still beyond their realm of comprehension.

  4. "...mainly due to months of unexpectedly low tax revenues..."

    Bullshit. "Mainly due" to unchecked spending of money they never had and won't get.

    I guess the FedGuv will bail them out using our (non-fucking-Californians) money.


  5. "unexpectedly low tax revenues" aka Democrat policies driving investment, businesses, and people out of the state.

    Hopefully, they're starting to face the "running out of other people's money" phase of "socialism" and this trend continues.

  6. Hey, Chyna, we need $100 million.

  7. In FY 2022, California had a 100 BILLION dollar SURPLUS. 'Y'know what happened? NEWSOM HAPPENED. He actually put it out there; "How would you like me to spend this money?" NO; this REALLY HAPPENED! End result, California entered FY 2022 with a 35 BILLION dollar DEFICIT!

    ...And NO, I did NOT vote for him. In fact, I've YET to find ANYONE who voted for him!!! This guy didn't "survive a recall. He didn't get "re-elected." He was INSTALLED in the same manner as Traitor Joe Biden...

  8. Newsom exported taxpayers while importing non-taxpayers who consume from the public trough.

  9. It's as true of bankrupt governments as it is true of individuals who spend recklessly - there is always money for what you really want. BTW - when do those reparations checks start arriving?

  10. Clown world and no one is throwing cream pies yet?

  11. 1 Nov 2020 - California announces it has a $25-billion budget surplus
    2 Nov 2020 - Federal Election Day
    3 Nov 2020 - California announces it has an unexpected $85 billion budget deficit.

  12. "Unexpectedly low tax revenues." Ah, yeah. When you create unemployment, and your border crossing pets are working under the table AND sending mucho dinero back home. This is a result.
    The pinheads under the dome.
    *Some radio guy with an Irish surname.


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