
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Commentary: Joe Biden’s Failures Are His Successes

If you were the owner of a professional football team, and you had just finished in last place for the third year in a row, one would expect management to implement serious personnel changes before the following season—that is if the team actually cared about winning.


  1. Oh, you mean like the Patriots, who haven't had a winning season since Brady left for a payday that he was denied by Kraft after winning six rings? I read that season ticket holders, who have had season tickets for DECADES, are either DEMANDING their money back or not renewing their subscriptions for 2024.

    It was most gratifying to see Brady stick it right up Kraft and Belichick's asses going to the Buc's and winning #7 the year after he left the Pat's. Belichick and Kraft should be ashamed of the product they're presenting to their customers and the league.


    1. Nemo, Carolina Panther's owner David Tepper says: "Hold my beer".

    2. I think Tepper is looking to sell the team.

    3. Sorry, I don't follow hockey....

    4. I guess the question about the Patriots winning streak is settled, was it Brady or was it Belichick; it was Brady.

  2. That's because football is SERIOUS business, not something trivial like the collapse of a nation's government or currency, or the welfare of millions.

  3. To a conservative American what Gropey Joe is doing is certainly losing but the team headed up by The Magic Negro, aka the communist party, things are going exactly according to plan. "Fundamentally change America". TINVOWOOT. And FUCK GROPEY JOE BIDEN!

  4. Trump and Dr. Carson- think about it.

  5. Why should it matter?

    Gropey Joe didn't campaign the first time, and won with "81 million" votes, if you believe the MSM. This will just repeat the first success.

  6. Spot on Rickn8or. To hell with the 'take a knee' assholes. Get on your knees for the Flag and Anthem? You just made me a lifetime enemy.


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