
Friday, December 08, 2023

Dat's racis'

The Biden administration has delayed its ban on menthol cigarettes after strategists warned President Biden that it could negatively impact his support among black voters. 

Leaders in the black community claim that the ban would foster an underground market and cause police to target black smokers in a disproportional manner, the Washington Post reports.


  1. They're just now thinking of this?

  2. It is delayed because an election coming up. It will be picked back up in Dec of 2024.

  3. Cigarettes are killers. We're from the government and we're here to help. Well except if it might cost us an election. If you're niave here's a little hint: The Deep State Democrats & Republicans don't give a shit about you and your health.

  4. They cause cancer, we all know they cause cancer but its still OK and legal to sell them and buy them because the States get a huge pile of money every year from the tobacco companies selling the shit to idiots and jacking the prices up every time the States need more money for 'cancer research' or some other damned lie.

  5. "We Should Ban Fried Chicken Because It has Too Much Saturated Fat"!

    Someone in the back row: "Ummmm, you might want to think that through a little more".

  6. Funny how the prevayor of illegal cigarettes in New York's last words were "I can't breathe."

  7. Translation: we will do what ever it takes to get re-elected. This should scare the shit out of everyone, because, what will they do when they DON'T have to worry about getting re-elected?


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