
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Good Morning



  1. My cows and Maggie Mae, a black lab, are buds. Lots of nose touching and just playing. Pretty cool to watch.

  2. My dog likes our cows, but wants them to play like dogs. The cows are not amused. And they slobber a lot, dog would probably need a bath.

  3. Do dogs sniff cow's assholes like they do with other dogs and, if so, do they need step ladders? Asking for a friend.

  4. I’d keep an eye on that friend

  5. When I was 15 or so, I went out onto the cattle pasture, and they all trotted off. Then I sat down in the middle, and in about 5 minutes, I was surrounded, and they were licking my boots.
    Go figure?

  6. Maybe they knew I was the one who tossed a dozen bales of hay into the manger, in the barn, in the dark, every night, in the winter


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