
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Keeping it classy



  1. Sounds like a plausible story. Maybe his girlfriend's name is Prancer.

    1. More likely a "dancer".
      Though the guy doesn't look like someone who would inspire familial loyalty.
      John in Indy

  2. I swear badly and enjoy a good dirty joke.
    But I won't subject your kids to it.
    This ain't cool.
    Every little kid who rides by is subject to reading this.
    Maybe you are poor because you are dumb.

    1. Thank you. I agree with you completely.

    2. Totally agree. I hate when an adult wears profanity on a shirt or flag in public. Yes, no matter if it is a biden flag, fjb. Usually I won't say anything but when there are children around I do try and shame them without shouting. So vile and trashy. Hybo

  3. Every porn movie I ever watched starts with a plumber knocking on a door, and a barely clad woman says, "I really need my sink fixed, but I don't have any money, so I'll have to pay you . . . some other way."

    So maybe his girlfriend ran out of cookies and milk on Christmas eve.

  4. What the dude seems to forget is his GF was fuc*in' santa claus. His GF had to say ok, or none of it would have happened. Dude needs to appoint blame correctly here.

  5. The last beggar I gave money to had a sign that read, “Need money for beer..!”….

    I gave him $5 for his honesty and lack of denial and told him that if he ever wanted to get sober, to go to AA…

  6. In my opinion, he looks like he might believe his girlfriend was fucking the actual Santa Claus.
    Considering the sign, slovenly appearance & what appears to be either camo over a Hawaiian shirt, or different camo pattern, it's no secret why.
    They don't even mix that shit down here in redneckland.


  7. Luckily for him, Santa only comes once a year.


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