
Friday, December 01, 2023

No Regrets

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – An 81-year-old man has been arrested and charged with attempted homicide after allegedly stabbing his daughter multiple times with a kitchen knife.


In addition, officers reported that Seay said the incident was a culmination of everything that had been building, and if given the chance, he would do it again. 


  1. I hate that word "allegedly". The incident has witnesses of the violence, with video, and confession of the attempted murder. There's nothing alleged about the stabbing.


    1. That's not how it works, and you being ignorant of things doesn't make other people morons.

  2. That reminds me of the Bill Burr monolog where the punchline was "I wonder what was the last thing she said."

  3. Old man snapped... Joe Biden anyone? With the noocular codes???

  4. My parents are around his age, and I just can't imagine any plausible scenario that would lead to us arguing to the point where it turns into a physical altercation and attempted murder.

    When my dad's dementia was taking hold, he was more than capable of becoming dangerously violent, but this seems nothing at all like that, because 5 minutes later he'd be perfectly calm and totally unaware of what just happened. This dude had just had enough of that bitch, apparently.


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