
Friday, December 08, 2023

Nobody likes a stingy fucker

Police say detectives arrested a man Wednesday in connection to a shooting caused by a dispute over potato chips.

Police identified 42-year-old Melvin Wright as the man who shot another person in the face for refusing to share his potato chips.


  1. Shot the dude for failing to share his potato chips? That's reprehensible. Now Doritos that’s a whole other story

  2. I had to look up 'Lusty Adventures' just to satisfy my curiosity. Yep, it's one of those joints.
    Poor guy had to settle for Lays 'cuz he couldn't get laid.

  3. I just wasted a click of the mouse to confirm the race ... It's always them, isn't it?

  4. I decided to look up the bar... "Live dancers" but damn do they look like zombies. I hope the lights are very very low in that place. Yikes.

  5. Imagine if, and when, society actually breaks down and "rule of law" is done. There will be an awful lot of people getting shot just because they said the wrong thing or were acting rude. Should clean-up the gene pool pretty well!


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