
Monday, December 04, 2023

Scratch this off your Christmas shopping list, boys

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport recently stopped a shipment filled with 2,536 pre-filled syringes of vaginal tightening gel. On November 20, CBP inspected a shipment arriving from Hong Kong manifested as “Vaginal Tightening Gel”. The shipment was found to contain commercial quantities of a gel inside injectables and required the user to wear chemical resistant gloves when handling. The packages containing the cosmetic gel were found in pink packaging appearing ready for resale.


  1. Don't destroy the contaband. Distribute the confiscated gel to men's prisons all across the country. I'm sure if it works on the front door, it'll work the same magic on the rear door

  2. Some men like 'em tight, some men make 'em tight. Chinese tightening gel glues 'em tight.

  3. From the article: "Medications manufactured in non-regulated foreign companies often contain dangerous contaminants or ineffective compounds,"

    You mean, like the bullshit "no different than placebo" nasal decongestant that the FDA foisted on us for twenty years while forcing the stuff that actually works (pseudoephendrinehydrochloride) to be sold only from behind the counter, requiring ID, and only available while the pharmacy is open?

    suck my cock, asshats!

    I was, and still am, pissed as hell about it. I can't sleep with a stuffy nose, and knew twenty years ago that it didn't do shit. (All of that crap has been recalled now, after studies came out proving they didn't do shit.) And then they decided that since the stuff that DOES work was one of the main ingredients in making crystal meth, they were going to regulate the hell out of it. Making it impossible to get late at night. You know, when I actually need it.

    No idea how many sleepless nights I spent. Screw them. The FDA does no good at all IMHO. We'd be better off without them. Let "Consumer reports" or similar organizations do their job. It'd be more effective, less intrusive, and, you know, actually accurate. (Don't get me started on their approval of the "vaccine" or other corrupt practices.)

    John G

    1. John, there's no reason to hold back, you are among friends. Please, tell us how you really feel.
      Starker was here.

  4. The entire shipment was for Kamala

  5. Considering the location- are muzzie girls trying to reclaim virginity so they don’t get stoned to death? Asking for a friend.

  6. Word on the street is that it was under the TSwift Brand of feminine products.

  7. Somehow I think a Christmas gift of vagina tightening gel might cause holiday unrest not unlike the gifting of a vacuum cleaner . flowers might be a safer bet fellows.

    1. Who said it was a gift for her? ;-)

    2. I'm gifting a vacuum cleaner this Christmas. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

  8. I read warning and wondered how it would affect the female, given that you are supposed to use 'chemical resistant gloves when handling'. Somehow, I'm guessing at chemical burns for the female who does use it.

    1. Swelling, tightening, let’s not quibble.


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