
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Supreme Court grapples with OxyContin maker's bankruptcy deal, with billions of dollars at stake

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Monday wrestled with a nationwide settlement with OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma that would shield members of the Sackler family who own the company from civil lawsuits over the toll of opioids.

The justices seemed by turns relucant to break up an exhaustively negotiated agreement, but also leery of somehow rewarding the Sacklers.


  1. Not something I have heard about down here in my cave

    1. I was detailed by Oxycontin salespeople who said there was NO RISK of addiction.
      Sacklers were involved in the operation of the company. You didn't hear about it because we don't hear anything about the crimes of the connected.

  2. And by "grappling" and "wrestling" they mean waiting for the best offer. Either Purdue Pharma or the class action attorney's checkbooks will decide this one.

  3. Granted, I don't know the details of the case, but it seems to me that allowing the Sackler family to be personally sued would basically nullify any protections that corporations provide. If, however, it can be proved that the Sacklers personally promoted, or endorsed, the heavy marketing of the drug in their capacities as board members, then they could be considered fair game.

    1. The Sacklers werr caught faking studies saying they were not addictive. They knew it was a lie and talked about all the money they would make.


  4. The Sacklers knew they were killing Americans with Oxycontin and the settlement they got prevents anyone from proving it completely.
    It's good to be super rich in America, where you can literally get away with murder.

  5. It really upsets me to see so much antisemitism on such a normally good blog. The Sacklers worked very hard to make sure Oxycontin was as safe as you dirty hillbillies deserved. Have you no gratitude?

    1. Get upset, I don't give a fuck. There is not a single anti-Semitic comment here. Anti-Big Pharma, yes. Anti-Semitic, no.
      You on the other hand, have absolutely no qualms about generalizing and insulting us.
      How about you kiss all of our collective hillbilly asses, Abby?

  6. Oxycontin and Oxycodone are a Godsend to people in pain. There is nothing so unjust as a cancer patient unable to stop their agony because the govt thinks they shouldn't have it or they have had their limit. Fentanyl is coming over the border by the ton and the govt doesnt care and that is killing people by the thousands.
