
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Taxpayer-Subsidized Seminars Train Cops To Violate the Constitution

If a driver looks away while passing a police car, cops learn from a checklist promoted at an October 2021 conference in Atlantic City, that is suspicious. But if a driver stares at the police car, that is also suspicious. Hats work both ways too: Wearing one "low to cover [your] face" is suspicious, but so is removing a hat when you are stopped by the police. Other telltale signs of criminal activity, according to Street Cop Training's list of "reasonable suspicion factors," include texting, smoking, lip licking, yawning, stretching, talking to a passenger while keeping your eyes on the road, signaling a turn early or late, maintaining "awkward closeness" or "awkward distance" during a stop, standing parallel or perpendicular to the car, saying you are heading to work or heading home, questioning the reason for the stop, and refusing permission for a search.


  1. If they run, they're VC.

    If they stand still, then they're well-disciplined VC.

  2. So nothing has really changed in my life time, other than now they will give you a bs excuse instead of just telling you to "shut up son/boy".

  3. What can go wrong. Suspicious if you stand to close, suspicious if you stand to far away, suspicious if you smile, suspicious if you frown, suspicious if you consent to a search, suspicious if you don't consent to a search. Stalin would be proud.

  4. Calm and relaxed people make me want to arrest them.
    White people make me nervous.

  5. They train Cop Fucks. That's why as soon as you figure out you have a Cop Fuck, you quit answering questions. They have the right to conduct an investigation and ask you questions. You have the right to remain silent and not give them Probable Cause by answering things like "where ya coming from?" When they say "What's the problem? We're just having an casual conversation here." You say "Am I free to go?" Go on You Tube and search "I don't answer questions." It can help you avoid a cop phishing, set up on you. You just need to say ONE thing to change suspicion into Probable Cause. They train to ask you leading, tricky, self incriminating questions.

    1. Wrong! They have powers. You have rights.

      This is not mere semantics. For a host of reasons there is a big difference. For starters, your inherent rights are superior to their granted powers.

  6. So, basically, being on the same planet as the Cop is sufficient grounds for whatever ...

  7. If your clean..
    Hold them up. Why not?
    LEARN. There is always something watching them.
    Be as suspicious as you can be.

    There iust gonna surf porn on there phones and eat gd donuts anyway.

    1. *you're*
      *their* (twice)

    2. Nobody is clean. A government employee can always find reasons to jack you up. Do you know every law? Well neither does the cop but he will lie and make shit up just to give you the ride. You might beat the charges, but you don't beat the ride. Never talk to cops other than " I wish to speak with an attorney" and "I am exercising my right to remain silent."

  8. Breathing is suspicious and so is being dead. This is done so that the police can always cite "suspicious activity" to justify their actions and use this training material to back it up. Everything and anything = suspicious activity and it is all "legal"

    1. Dead isn't suspicious if you have the permit! So drop dead - but get the proper permit first!

  9. "Show me the man and I'll show you the case against him."
    -Andrey Vyshinsky-

  10. Is shooting them in the face suspicious? Asking for a friend.

  11. I have a couple of posts coming out over the next two days on those exact circmstances.

  12. Don't see "Fuck off and come back with a warrant" on the list.

  13. Orcs are nasty evil creatures created by the evil empire to do their bidding. Avoid the orc, nothing good ever comes from interactions with orcs.
    Orcs are just one category of collaborators. Maintain your list of all local collaborators. Ensure the orc nest and all that inhabit the orc nest are exterminated when the green star cluster is popped.
    Be The Orkin Man.

    Saber 7

  14. "Officer am I being detained, or am I free to go"? "I'm sorry officer, I don't agree to stay with you for any reason whatsoever. Now am I being detained, or am I free to go" "If you don't have a warrant, than you may not search my car/bag/house/whatever. If you have probable cause, than a judge will issue your warrant".


  16. NWA was right all those years ago.


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