
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Teach your children well

A Chicago-area couple was arrested Monday after allegedly using children to help steal nearly $1000 worth of merchandise from the Oak Brook Macy's store.

Around 5:46 p.m., prosecutors say 26-year-old Angelo Almaraz of Chicago and his domestic partner, 32-year-old Thalia Morales of Hammond, Indiana, entered the Macy's located at 1 Oakbrook Center with four children — three of whom belong to the couple. The kids ranged in age from infant to 13 years old.


  1. And what are the odds of them showing up in court?

  2. Dumb shits. Had they been in Chicago they wouldn't have had a problem.

  3. Another case of "Work with what ya got". That's the ingenuity Americans like to see when welcoming immigrants to the nation.

  4. Wonder where that was learned from?

  5. Ye Ol if ya have to put up with a bunch of rat ass kids then by god they are going to earn their keep attitude. These assholes don't belong among the breathing.

  6. four children — three of whom belong to the couple

    What, did they start by stealing a 4th kid?

    1. They probably had blackmail on the kid. You know, like in Congress.

  7. He's 26? Hope the 13 year old is not biologically his.


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