
Monday, December 04, 2023

This Ain't Your Mama's Bean Soup! Hearty 15 Bean Soup Recipe

A perfect one-pot meal anytime of the year- this is an easy 15 bean soup recipe that has all you need in the sack, or spice it up with our added ingredients.

VIDEO HERE  (15:07 minutes)

Printable recipe HERE


  1. I dunno, why 15 beans? They all cook for different amounts of time. Some are going to be disappeared into mush.

    And, how do you you make a bean soup without a mirepoix? That's onions, celery, and carrots...

    Don't get me wrong. I like Kent. I just don't understand why he does what he does sometimes.

    1. You can only have 239 beans in bean soup. If you add one more, it becomes "too farty".
      I'll see myself out...

    2. I've told that same joke so many times... It was always why the Irish use 239 beans though. And you said it with an Irish brogue.

  2. My dad had a really good Bean soup recipe. Wasn't actually his creation, it's a couple of hundred years old, he got it from the Maryland's Way cook book.
    I made a huge pot full of it every year the day after Christmas with the bone and a good chuck meat from the Christmas dinner ham back when the kids were in the house before their mother passed. Now it's just too much for a single old guy. You can only eat so much of it.

    1. Divvy it up in Rubbermaid containers and freeze, it will keep several months. Old widow here.

    2. Uh oh, Knuckledraggin is the new eHarmony. Lol

    3. Judy, can I come over to your house and help you with those leftover Rubbermaid containers of 15 bean soup?

  3. I've probably used them 2 or 3 times a year since I've been married and that's going on 54 years. Make it every time we have a big ham. The bones and the small pieces go in it. Like Abe says above, onions, celery and carrots and tomatoes. I make a double batch each time. Then what I do is freeze it in a tupperware and then vacuum seal it. I bet I've got some over a year old in my freezer. It never goes bad.

  4. My beef vegetable soup only has 13 different vegetables.

  5. I did my killer 15 bean with ham and hocks for Thanksgiving. Always well received. I let it stew for two days to get the full effect.

  6. I've used a bagged 15 Bean Soup mix from the grocery store to make it for years now. I usually put ham in mine and I start the soup off with mirepoix as Abe above. Actually, any time I make soup or stew, I start off with that. After the veggie's are cooked thoroughly, I run them through a food mill so that you start the soup/stew off with an already thickened vegetable stock. I don't add spices until about the last half hour or so of cook time as I find the added flavors wane if putting them in early.

    I use 2-3 of those red Chinese Sichuan peppers for hots and 2-3 thumb sizes cloves of garlic. Careful with how many peppers and don't eat them after they're cooked unless you like your mouth on fire. Those babies are hot Hot HOT.


  7. I am grateful you posted this! I had that recipe a long time ago on an old laptop that gave up it's ghost. I now have the recipe downloaded and PRINTED off and stuck into my recipe book. Thank you Kenny! I t is a meal onto itself and so good! Very filling especially slopped over corn bread... I will enjoy going to the store and getting the ingredients I don't have and making tomorrow.

  8. My aunt brought this to my mom’s house the day after Christmas a couple of years ago. Served it with good buttermilk cornbread and now it’s a household favorite.


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