
Friday, December 01, 2023

Wait..... he had a gun stashed WHERE???

An ex-con with a lengthy rap sheet who is prohibited from carrying a handgun had a Smith & Wesson pistol stashed in his rectum when he was booked into jail early this morning, according to an Indiana police report.


The part that got me was where he was walking with his ass cheeks clenched together. Is his asshole so loose he was afraid it was going to fall out?


  1. Concealed carry.

  2. Bah. Amateur. I recall a story from a while back (easily found with a google search) about a guy who smuggled in a 6" revolver that way.

  3. Puckered up for when it goes off!

  4. Hope it wasn't a semi auto. One short fart would empty the magazine.

  5. From what I heard from a former federal inmate it's entirely possible. The rest of the story still sends chills up my spine.

  6. Smoking gun had a similar story years ago, except the weapon was a full size .38 special. Think of a cops duty weapon from the 20s. How dude got into his prison wallet boggles the mind. Barrel first? Butt first? No pun intended.

  7. Whole new meaning to "tail gunner."

  8. I bet he was a stinky shot.

  9. A modal K shoved up his ass? He has a hugely reamed out bung hole.

  10. Well, the story does say that he was an ex-con, so-o-o-o...


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