
Friday, January 12, 2024

Best of Jim Croce

AUDIO ONLY HERE (42:48 minutes)


I never was a big fan, his music was way too mellow for my taste back when he was popular.


  1. It was mellow, but also fun(ny) sometimes, and spoke to me sometimes. Thanks for the post, good reminder and listen.

  2. We were driving along US30 just west of Philadelphia and stopped by his grave.
    Kinda neat.

  3. Ken, you're in the youth of your old age!!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. Agreed,Kenny. Back then i "got" a couple(Leroy Brown) of his songs...but sit down when you have time to listen to his stories.Couple of soothing bevies and really get into it. I did(now 77yrs.) and have stayed up all night,just gettin the groove. He was good.

  5. Extreme guitar talent.

  6. My wife played it to death along with Charlie Rich, Ann Murray and a couple of others early in our relationship.

  7. The older I get, the more I like Croce's music. And I liked it OK way back when. Workin at the Car Wash Blues, Roller Derby Queen...amusing and catchy.

  8. I've always liked him. He went way before his time.

  9. I was never much of a fan when I was young, but he grew on me as I got older. Plus, he was from the Philly suburbs!


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