
Monday, January 22, 2024

Big Pharma Raises Hundreds of Drug Prices Despite Biden Admin Efforts to Keep Costs Down

Top pharmaceutical companies raised the list price on 775 brand-name drugs in just the first half of January, even as President Joe Biden aims to keep prices low, according to The Wall Street Journal. 

The median price hike of the drugs was around 4.5%, with some rising by 10% or more, despite an inflation rate of 3.4% year-over-year in December, according to data from 46brooklyn Research acquired by the WSJ. The price hikes are in contrast to the president’s efforts to tame rising drug prices, taking actions such as imposing automatic rebates to Medicare for drugmakers that raise their prices faster than the price of inflation, which first went into effect in December, affecting 48 drugs covered under Medicare Part B.


  1. The drug companies control our existence. The doctors are under their control, and since the median age is older, don’t know many people who aren’t taking medications.

    1. I'm 62.... I don't take anything.........had several reactions to medications 40 some years ago. Less is more, or just suck it up.........

  2. Sorry. Congress has gotten more expensive so their (re)election 'contributions' have to go up, forcing PFarma companies to write them bigger checks.

  3. Biden invoked his lie rump card again to get votes. Add that to hundreds of other of his "misinformations". In the meantime Big Pharma's donations to the Democrats and the "gifts" to Joe and Jill keep on coming in.

  4. 3.4% alleged inflation rate?

  5. Paying the price Pharma wants with Government covering the difference, isn't a fix, it a feature of Pharma lobbing congress. The fix would be taxing Pharma for increasing price.

  6. The prices of many things around the world are going up and up and up

    1. Rather, the value of money is going down.

  7. My Medicare Part D premium went down to $0 per month. 2 of the 3 prescriptions I take are also $0. The third is $15 per 90 days, but has an alternative that would be $0 if I wanted the inconvenience of taking it twice a day.
    The money has to come from somewhere. The only thing I can think of is your taxes must be paying for it. Thank you.

    1. You have to remember that I paid taxes into the Fed.Gov. from the time I was 16 years old until I retired. I never figured out how much that was, but a substantial amount due to my income continually raising via raises and working 60 + hours a week for months at a time.
      I also got a new Medicare provider here that rebates me $150 per month from the part B that I pay. They are a hospital system owners and this is the first year that they have provided insurance coverage through Medicare Advantage plans.
      With 3 of us in the home that have gone with that plan, we save $5400/month just in premiums, and we also have tier 1 drugs for $0 copay.

  8. This is easily fixed by allowing those same prescription drugs to be imported. Insulin pens, for example, cost $500+ in the USA but only $115 delivered to your door from Canada, so I have…heard. Rattle snake antivenom is about $200 in Mexico and $20,000 here. We pay for the entire world’s drug development costs. Since this is not fixed, the uniparty does not want it to be. Tired of being screwed yet?


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