
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Commentary: America’s ‘Social Justice’ Nightmares Have Only Intensified

Seattle is in King County, Washington, where Joe Biden got 75 percent of the vote in the 2020 election. King County had more than 1,000 drug overdoses involving fentanyl in 2023. These two facts are almost certainly related, but which is the cause and which the effect? Or could it be that both (a) the tendency to vote for Democrats and (b) the addiction to dangerous drugs are caused by some unknown factor? Without a careful analysis of the available data to identify that unknown background factor, is it wrong to hazard a guess that the overdosing dopeheads and Democratic voters in King County are just plain stupid?


  1. 1,000 drug overdoses involving fentanyl?
    The ONLY way to lower this count is to stop 'helping' them saving their 'life'.
    "He guys, take whatever you can find, and we'll save you!, VOTE for us!".
    They took the crap, now they should take the consequences.

    1. One thing we do know right now: alive or dead, those 1000 ovedose cases will be voting the straight Dem ticket in '24.

  2. Obsessive, Neurotic Sociopaths always ramp up their psychotic episodes, never down. And you can't hose 'em down with Thorazine.

  3. Allegedly got 75%. Don't trust ANY numbers.

  4. When mail-in voting is involved, I am always suspect when a story uses the term "voters".

    1. I've been suspect of mail-in voting since our 2004 Washington gubernatorial election when they kept "finding" votes. I didn't need the recent election shenanigins or Trump to "tell me" what i already knew.

  5. All of this chaos is the exact outcome desired by TPTB.

  6. Seems to me that if you just stand back and let the overdoses happen, the problem will eventually take care of itself.

  7. You would literally not believe what you see there. The voters are committed to their positions, despite complaining about exactly what their ballet box choices have wrought. There is absolutely no perception of irony or hypocrisy -- they are perfect little lemmings (with apologies to actual lemmings). And the ridiculous "soft on crime" policies are hand in hand. I once respected teachers greatly, but in this area they are poster children for everything woke. And just like SF, the city councils are driving out business as fast as they can.

  8. Chinese Ballon flights over America , wonder what they can drop out of a Ballon that's the size of a bus.....

  9. It is not wrong to hazard that guess.

  10.'s Seattle. You can put a literal piece of shit on the ballot, put a "D" after it, and I guarantee that there will be swipple little white girls with "shit for president" stickers on their Subaru.

  11. Seattle WA and Vancouver BC can't slide off into the ocean soon enough.


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