
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Commentary: Post-Election Audits Should Be the Norm for Every State

I may be dating myself, but the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” 

We can get much more than an ounce’s worth of prevention by engaging in post-election process audits. It is much easier to fix process problems early before they blow up and become problems that require litigation and other nasty fixes. Ahead of the 2024 election, state legislatures should require full process audits to ensure transparency and build trust in our elections.


  1. Won't happen in Democrat-controlled States...

    1. Like voter government photo id’s….
      ain’t gonna happen….can’t have valid elections.

  2. I'm fairly certain that they don't WANT the elections to be trusted. The goal is civil war and the complete destruction of America and all it stands for. You can't get that with fair and trusted elections.

    John G

  3. no machines! paper ballots. plus post election audits

  4. Or the practice run reveals flaws where extra votes can be snuck through. As long as the people who are counting the votes ARE NOT INVOLVED in this practice run, probably a good practice.

  5. Every election should be provably fair and aboveboard. If they insist that you default to that conclusion without proof, it is safe to assume the election was neither fair nor aboveboard.

    That they persecute and harass you for questioning the fairness of an election is grounds for concluding that it was not.

    If the authorities want the results of an election to be accepted, they need to be able to absolutely prove there was NO fraud by either voters or poll workers or election officials.

  6. You are aware that most elections get audited on a regular basis?
    Most states have laws in place to audit elections and check that they have reported an accurate outcome.,not%20measured%20in%20most%20contests.

    1. So what's your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid?

      As left wing as they are, Wiki is probably not the best source to link to here.

  7. Nothing has been done to prevent a repeat of 2020. I think they are more brazen about it knowing the courts will throw any complaints out.

  8. You dont seem to remember they did audit the votes and elections systems. That is how we got the free-est and fairest elections in the history of elections in 2020. Nothing to see here, No Siree, nothing. Only to find out almost four years later the votes weren't audited, they were erased and or destroyed. The tamper proof system was empty for a reason. Getting arrested for deleting data is minor , manipulating selections for their benefit is a time honored tradition.

  9. Fuck that shit. Just need to use paper ballots, present ID and have a mark to show you already voted. We did it in Iraq which did not have a trust worthy election at all.

  10. And just who will be doing/responsible for these post election audits...
    It will be the same criminals who count the ballots.

  11. " In our audit of the 2020 election, we found that Harris County, the nation’s third largest county and home to Houston, could not show proper chain of custody for almost 185,000 ballots."
    -And Houston is almost as deep blue as DFW and Austin.

    "Process audits go further and look deeper to ensure that election officials are following the rules."
    - But when the AGs and election officials blatantly decide to allow unsigned and undated allots to be counted, then those ARE the rules- aren't they?


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