
Monday, January 22, 2024

Grand jury indicts Alec Baldwin in fatal shooting of cinematographer on ‘Rust’ set

A grand jury indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday on an involuntary manslaughter charge in a 2021 fatal shooting during a rehearsal on a movie set in New Mexico, reviving a dormant case against the actor. 

Special prosecutors brought the case before a grand jury in Santa Fe this week, months after receiving a new analysis of the gun that was used. They declined to answer questions after spending about a day and a half presenting their case to the grand jury.


  1. That’s all fine and dandy but that chick was ultimately responsible for the guns and ammo on that job. Arty

    1. I see you conveniently forgot about the part where he was playing with the gun, cocking and decocking it when it went off. He was also pointing the gun at another person while he was playing with it, a big no-no to anybody that's even remotely familiar with guns.
      I'm not saying the armorer wasn't at least partly responsible, but Baldwin was too if he was the one handling the gun.

    2. Technically, it was a movie prop, certified by contract as not lethal. Yes, Baldwin is a piece of shit, but he is certainly not guilty of anything but being a dumb-shit. If you played with your hairbrush and it killed someone you would be equally as guilty as Baldwin.

    3. It does not matter even one tiny bit what mistakes or even malicious acts preceded his handling of the weapon, I don't care who was responsible for it the day before, the hour before of at any time right up until it was handed to him. What the person that gave it to him said or didn't say is irrelevant. It also doesn't matter how anything firearm related was done on any other movie, ever.

      He should have checked the pistol the very moment it was given to him, before he did anything with it. If he had, he would have found the live round, and that woman would still be alive. But he didn't check it and now she's dead.

      Whatever happens in court, he killed that woman, period.

    4. Wrong-o powder breath!

    5. Anon@12:17, you're comparing a functioning gun to a hairbrush? You're really reaching, aren't you?

    6. While the chick was the armorer, remember Baldwin was both the actor holding the prop gun AND the producer who hired the armorer. He shares responsibility both ways.

    7. It wasn't a prop. I was a fully functional firearm.

  2. What percent of the prospective jurrors will remember his many movie roles as a killer? He's had plenty of them.

  3. People are criticizing him, but Alec's the kind of guy I can stand behind.

    1. hahaha you are correct. It's safer behind.

    2. You damn sure don't want to stand in front of him!

  4. Who really cares, will justice be done or will money talk?

  5. Such a tragedy. All I know is that all of my life the one and only person resposible for the loaded/unloaded status and use of a firearm in my possesion was me and me alone. The really sad and counterintuitive part of this is that if everyone was used to and familiar with firearms the way I was raised this would have never happened.

  6. He who held it, fired it.

  7. What in the hell is live ammo doing on a movie set? REAL firearms are not toys, they are tools serious tools.

    1. do you know whether or not this soi-disant actor (might have) brought the live rounds with him?
      would you believe him if he said he didn't?
      has he been known to tell many porkies in the past?

    2. The crew was using the guns with live ammo to plink and fuck around when not filming.

  8. "Technically, it was a movie prop, certified by contract as not lethal." <-- You are an idiot. That is so far from reality, you must be attempting to troll us. 🙄


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