
Friday, January 12, 2024

Harry Tracy

Harry Tracy (23 October 1875 – 6 August 1902) was an outlaw in the American Old West.

His real name was Harry Severns. Tracy is said to have run with Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall Gang, but there is no evidence to this claim.

VIDEO HERE (10:58 minutes)


Read the link for a very brief overview, then go to the video for much more detail.


  1. I believe I counted twelve men that he killed or were killed in gun fights with Tracy and his partners. The thirteenth being himself. I was also surprised it took so many horses/mules to pull a combine.

    1. A 36 HP tractor would be much to small to run a combine. It takes a lot of power to run all the processes inside of the combine.

    2. A modern day combine, yes. Combines back then? There were plenty of smaller ones that were pulled by teams of just a half dozen horses.
      Stick to subjects you know something about.

  2. I liked the movie "Harry Tracy" starring Bruce Dern.


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