
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

I'm not saying he was right, but.....

HATBORO, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- A Montgomery County, Pennsylvania man is accused of stabbing to death a neighbor with whom he had long feuded over the accused man's loud snoring that could be heard through a wall connecting their homes, authorities said Friday.


  1. I'm working out of state. I have this exact issue with the walking heart disease in the hotel room next to mine. I have considered doing the same.


  2. I could understand copious farting, but snoring?

    1. bunny, you have no idea. Some people could wake the dead with their snoring. And every one is utterly oblivious to how loud they are. Most are just as unaware that they snore at all.

  3. In college I had a early morning job. The guy on the other side of the wall had late night loud rock music binges. I found a record of 'experimental' 10 note scale music which was beyond awful. When retaliating for late night noise I would turn my speakers to the wall, load that bad boy up and go to work at 05:30.
    Worked a charm.

  4. I shoved a dirty wool combat boot sock into my roommate's mouth one night in the barracks to stop his snoring. Had to haul ass out of the room to keep him from beating the shit out of me!


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