
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Just so you know.....

We're expecting freezing rain/sleet a little later today with a high temperature of 32 degrees (yay), then dropping down to the mid 20s tonight, with lows near or below zero degrees Friday and Saturday nights.

With ice already on the power lines, there's a good chance we may lose power and internet. I've got my posts scheduled through Friday, but I can't guarantee anything for Monday.


  1. Invest in a generator, if you have a natural gas line to your house, or propane. Here in the eastern part of PA, north of Phila, the grid must be ancient. All it takes is a strong wind for the power to go out. Just last week during a wind storm, the power was out for my neighbors for over 24 hours. The outages here got so frequent, i just got tired of dragging out the portable generator and the hassles of filling it with gas. I'm not as young as I once was. I put in a whole house generator and am now worry free.

  2. I gots me a 24K Generac, but when the trees take out the powerlines, they take out phone and cable with them. No internet, but I do have a dish, so I can watch TV, as much as I hate to. Thinking about Starlink, but it really doesn't mean that much to me. I would dump the Dish, but the old lady likes her TV. When we met, I didn't have the TV connected to anything and she thought that was kind of nuts. Hooked it back up and after three years without it, the same old tired shit was on and the news was still lying. Pretty much just like today! Eod1sg Ret

  3. Where the hell is global warming?

  4. Pennsy, huh. Democrats in Harrisburg. Im sure it’s just coincidence.

  5. As much as I enjoy checking this page every few hours, I would rather you take care of keeping Miss Lisa, yourself and Jack the dog and the chickens warm and fed.

  6. Replies
    1. You must be a Floridiot 😁

      I work at the local country club and just got shut out of work until Monday because of the cold. The maintenance crew is covering the greens until then.

      Believe it or not, we have golfers who would bundle up and play when it's this cold.

  7. In Colo. Springs on Tuesday, the real temp was -2 degrees but the windchill was -40 degrees!!!

  8. Somewhere I have a photo of partner playing in the snow. Golfers be crazy.

  9. Good luck, Kenny. I went eight days without power in '98 and 2 days last April. It sucks even with a portable generator.

  10. Nice and warm or stinking bloody hot here but this is summer

  11. Just took the cans out to the curb. Doubt the trucks will be around as the cans had a thin coating of ice. The roads were never cleared of Monday's snow so ...
    We've a 22Kvolt Generac. Natural gas. Well worth it.


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