
Friday, January 12, 2024

Meanwhile, in the shithole I came from.....

MODESTO - A man possibly saved by a deputy in south Modesto walked away with minor injuries after authorities said he was attacked by four men, including a suspect with a loaded gun. 

The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office said Deputy McCarty was on patrol Saturday around 10:30 a.m. in the area of Dallas Street and Butte Avenue in unincorporated south Modesto.


My great-grandfather lived on the NW corner of Dallas and Butte. It was a shithole neighborhood back then in the 1960s and 70s, then it got worse.


  1. Kenyu. Sounds Amish.

  2. If I was you, I'd have a daily ritual. Every morning I'd step out onto the porch, take a big, deep breath and quietly say "Thank you, Lord, for delivering me from Modesto".

    1. Addendum: "Thank you, Lord, for delivering me from California in general and Modesto in particular."

  3. Nothing wrong with being FROM Modesto.

  4. "A loaded, unserialized polymer 80 "ghost gun." Nothing to see here folks, the ATF however, needs your grandaddy's double barrel shotgun because it might jump out of the gun safe and cause a mass shooting.

    1. "A loaded, unserialized polymer 80 "ghost gun."
      Hitting all the Demanding Mothers buzzwords there...

  5. Starker here,
    If you go to
    They show a photo of the gun. There appears to be a serial number on the slide that someone tried to obliterate.
    How does that make it a ghost gun?

    1. The slide isn't what makes it a 'ghost gun', which incidentally is the name that the grabbers came up with in order to strike fear into the hearts of the masses of asses. What makes it a 'ghost gun' is that it's receiver or frame is built from a Polymer80 kit (aka: an 80% receiver) whose frame has no serial number on it. They're available everywhere and can be mail ordered online. In some states, to be legal after completion the gun would have to be registered with a state's DOJ and given a serial number to be stamped on the frame.

      I think I've got that about right.

  6. Let’s see, let’s everybody praise the armed govt worker for doing what they’re supposed to be doing in the first place!


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