
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Ohio lawmakers propose paying students to attend school and graduate

Ohio state lawmakers are proposing bipartisan legislation that would reward students for going to school to not just fight "chronic absenteeism," but also give students an incentive for showing up.


  1. More proof that the country has lost it's mind.

  2. Is it just me? Seems our political class are desperate to find creative reasons to give away the tax dollars they collect from us.
    How about holding the parents responsible for their kids truancy with increasing fines that eventually lead to jail time?

  3. Or...and I'm just spit-balling here, you just don't graduate them.


  4. It's just an extension of progressive parents bribing their out-of-control brats except in this case it's white liberal politicians bribing the little pickaninnes. How about doing what they did 70 years ago. Round up the little brown skin one parent miscreants, put them in a delinquent home and teach them from there.

  5. The state gets money from fed for each student per day.
    Legislators work at the state.

    Kid don't go school, state don't get money. Legislators have less money to throw at strippers and other shit.

    Its that simple.

  6. This idiotic proposal is just so wrong on so many levels. Giving cash to kindergartners for showing up? How is it ever up to a kid that young to show up or not? That is on the parent(s). And giving the cash to just 50% of those in participating schools is simply retarded. Let me guess - the 50% who DON'T get any money are White, and the 50% who receive free gibs are black. Nothing like teaching them young that so-called reparations are deserved without being earned.


  7. Damn, all I ever got for perfect attendance was once in the 5th grade, a free pizza

  8. WTF happened to Ohio?

  9. Obviously kids aren't buying what the future holds.

  10. "give students an incentive for showing up". Dad's belt was all the incentive I needed.

    1. Or the coal mine, the lumber camp, or the fishing docks.

  11. Nooooooo! State lawmakers want their taxpayers to pay children to go to school!!! Those gluttonous fucks would'nt give a plug nickle to school-aged children, as evidenced by their ending school lunches for them over the summers.

  12. They come up with dumbass ideas when their spending other people's money.

  13. More proof that it's too easy to be unemployed in the U.S.


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