
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

One more reason I love Tennessee

A new law that took effect in Tennessee Monday authorizes the state's Department of Safety to create a voucher program to offset the cost of a person taking a handgun safety course for the first time.


California has made it damned near impossible to take a safety course needed to obtain a permit while Tennessee encourages safety courses by offsetting the cost.


  1. Here in NH the local PD offers a free three day course on firearm safety. Includes two class days, one dealing with firearms in general and one dealing with the legal aspects of gun ownership and use. The third day is range day. During the entire course they provide the guns to familiarize yourself with (if you don't own one) and on range day, they provide the guns and ammo for you to shoot 30 rounds at 15 yard human silhouette targets.
    It should be noted that NH has no required safety course as it was determined that any requirement would be an infringement on an individuals 2A rights. The free courses offered are voluntary and of course the community supports everyone taking the classes. Local rod and gun clubs also offer a constant string of classes related to hunting and firearms generally and most clubs are welcoming and supportive of new shooters.
    Stay safe and practice, practice, practice.

  2. Nice for Tennessee to do that!

    Here in MD, we have to take a class for our "HQL" (recently declared unconstitutional, but still in force) and get fingerprinted just to BUY a handgun, then we need a more comprehensive 16 hour course with live fire, then fingerprints and a photo for our license to carry. The whole mandated CCW process can cost the citizen several hundred of dollars between training, incidentals and the application fee. Such bullshit, and clearly designed to discourage people from exercising their rights.

    1. I lived in MD (DC) for a while. I'd rather be in CA.

  3. Did Stefen "not so" White mentioned in the story listed above avail himself of this safety training?

  4. Thankfully I live in Texas. Last week, I found an exceptional deal on a pistol so I ordered it on line. It arrived at my local range on Saturday. Yesterday I stopped in, filled out the 4473, showed my TX DL & CHL, and walked out the door with my new purchase. No fuss, no muss.....other than the Fed's having their nose in my business.

    1. Same here, escaped Kalifornia in 2015. There, had my CCW for decades in Butte County. Allowed to have up to 4 guns on CCW by serial number. Renew/re-qualify with each every two years--30 rounds at one distance, 15 in low light, no time limit.

      Recent Texas law renders CHL (CCW) no longer required, however I will keep mine active. Just renewed online, veteran price $25, good for five years. It is a blanket license--pick something from your safe and go. Or borrow a buddies gun, only restriction is it can't be stolen.

      Texas CHL shooting test--

  5. Any license is just the government selling you back your right that they took away.

  6. No safety course required in Georgia, which I suppose some could argue with. It's been a long time since I got my carry permit but there is a charge by the county for the license and a fee for getting printed at the Sheriff's. Check ok at the courthouse, bring cash to the Sheriff.

  7. The Shall Not Be Infringed permission process sucks in every state.

  8. I really don't like the idea of handing the government personal information related to owning a weapon. Watch You Tube videos of Police and National Guard sweeping neighborhoods to confiscate guns during hurricane Katrina. It took court time and years for victims to get their guns back. I doubt if the Police and National Guard confiscated guns in the ghettos.

  9. Contra Costa County, CA., Sheriff, $160 Issuance fee; Renewal fee $137 (incl. state fee of $52, Sheriff fee of $25, and range fee of $60); Duplicate fee of $10 (for more than one approved ccw); and finally a Modification fee of $35 (if you change addresses). On top of that is the ccw training at $285 for 8 hrs, which has now increased to 16 hrs. as of the first of the this month and I’m sure the cost of training will double as well. Then you have to retake it every time you renew. None of this includes the cost of the federal required finger printing/live scan which is $25 at the post office. And then there is probably insurance one must purchase as well as owning a gun safe. Oh, then you need three character references. Fucking commies.

  10. Add in the fact that a new law just took effect the first of the year that severely cuts back the places that permit holders can carry, including churches and any place that not only serves but sells liquor. Think about that one.
    Also taking effect this year is the 10% to 11% excise tax on the purchase of firearms and ammunition. This money to be used for 'gun violence research', so the controllers can figure out new ways to further restrict second amendment rights. Purchase a gun or ammunition to help fund the people who want to take them away from you.

    BTW, as with most California gun laws, current and retired law enforcement officers are exempt from both of these laws. Which makes sense, since CCW permit holders are historically far more law abiding than are law enforcement officers.

    Oh, also new in California is that dealers can't sell gas powered lawn and garden equipment manufactured after January 1, 2024.

    Thanks for letting me rant.

  11. I'd rather gov stay out. A gov of few laws, contained within explicitly enumerated powers.

  12. In TN, gun safes are tax-free, as well.
    --Tennessee Budd


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